CL36 The Arizona Republic Dec. 1 1, 1994 To Place A Classified Ad Call 256-91 1 1 2756 2756 2756 2756 2756 2756 2756 2756 2756 2756 Sales Marketing Sales Marketing Sales Marketing Sales Marketing Sales Marketing Sales Marketing Sales Marketing Sales Marketing Sales Marketing Sales Marketing SALES ACEPROS Exciting sales opportunities available due to promotions from within. Ambitious salespersons needed to join our 43 year old recession proof advertising company. Earn S1000 to $1800wk. Benefits available.
Must have car. Call (602) 279-0928 (800) i 929-4155 SALESADVERTISING Completely new concept In high end. Print advertising tied Into national best selling book hpnal best se If a high en id sale with sertes. nergy cre- atlve ai manage- ment potential Is what you are after, fax us now at 503-226-4933. salarycommission SALES Clerk, Airport area, Hotel gift shop.
PT. Flexible schedule involes weekends nights. Interviewing 1212-16. Call to set appt 437-9360. SALES Weekly Leading national photography company has immediate full time openings.
No experience required. Will train. Some Instate travel. Management op- ponunities serving. WAL-MART SMITTYS BASHA'S For Information Call: 1-800-964-3127 Or 839-3979 SALES FTPT CD ROM products.
Suprlslng opportunity! Ency. Brltannica 274-8622 Sales LONG DISTANCE SALES COMMERCIAL SALES REPS High quality nat'l and Int'l firvlce at the lowest flat rates om 10 offices coast to coast, asy close no deposits, no minimum contracts, huge sayings. Career opportunity Highest commission (up to 75 of monthly long distance Dill) Advance commissions Commissions paid weekly Tod reos earn 6 figures Health dental benefits Excellent training support Cherry Communications 602-631-9086 Sales Manager of Special Accounts Jacobsen Division of Textron a worldwide leader In the nanufacture of professional urf maintenance equipment, seeking an accomplished ndividual who can help us maximize our sales to existing and potential accounts. You will serve as special accounts liaison between dealers and customers in various regions. Position requires 75 travel.
Qualifications include an appropriate bachelor's degree and 10-15 years ot sellingmarketing experience. Golf and turf maintenance background would be Ideal. We offer an attractive compensation and benefits package for the right candidate. Please send your resume In confidence to: Jacobsen Textron Inc. Human Resources, Dept.MSA 1721 Packard Avenue Racine, Wl 53403 Equal Opportunity Employer MFDV SALES MANAGERS Leading publishing company needs Sales Managers to supervise, recruit and train sales team.
Salary, commissions, overrides. Please call for more Information, (602) 951-9374, Mon-Fri 9-4. SALES MANAGER Needed. Work with radio advertisers salespersons on new product line. 843-2092 SALESMARKETING Fortune 500 company seeks responsible career-minded persons to sell and service established accounts.
Spend 80 of your time selling, not prospecting. Advancement based on merit, not seniority. Expense paid training. Complete benefits package Including maior medical, 401 and more. Please send your resume to Laurie Love, 11811 N.
Tatum Blvd. 4055A, Phoenix, AZ 8502orfa867-9714. SALES 4 MARKETING: High tech company searching for sales professional wcxperl-ence In direct sales of Computer Graphics Systems. Progressive environment, xlnt earning potential, benefits. FAX resume In confidence to: CompuGrafiX 443-1330.
SALES MERCHANDISERPT Toy distributor seeking experienced sales merchandiser to work toys and hardline goods In west Phoenix qrocery stores 2 days a week, $7 50 hour. Nationmark, Maryann 214-241-6100 Sales Mgr-reglona tor nat'l arch, metal i building prod mlg-exo, req. Salary 8, comm POE. Mall resumes: 5609 W. Phoenix 85043.
Ieed aggressive sales people or the largest RV dealership Arizona. Commission plan up lo 40. 40T-K health Insurance. Paid vacations. Ability to learn.
Cm for an appointment. Contact Harold Wise or Art Rlvard aU602) 964-6616. One of the best known companies In the country has outstanding career opportunities for SALES PROFESSIONALS Interested In a brilliant, new area of advertising sales. We seek experienced SALES PROFESSIONALS for the Phoenix area who have proven successful sales background that Includes at least 2 years of aired sales to smaH businesses. Leads Generated.
we oner a gooo salary, gen good salary. erous commissions, a full ben- etit* package and a bright saies career opportunity wim an industry leader. Women and minorities are highly encouraged to apply-For Immediate consideration, please tax your resume to 303-456-8664, Of call (303)456-6979 One of the best known companies In the country has outstanding career opportunities for SALES PROFESSIONALS Interested In a brilliant, new area of advertising sales. We seek experienced SALES PROFESSIONALS for the Phoenix area who have proven successful sales background that Includes at least 2 years ot direct sales to smafl businesses. Leads generated.
We otter a good salary, gen erous commissions, a full ben- eflts packaoe and a bright sales career opportunity with an Industry leader. Women and minorities are highly encouraged to apply. For irnme- aiate consioeration, piease tax vour resume Fo 303-456-8664, or call (303) 456-6979. MnnpiHIM OUTSIDE SALES REPS for East valley. Do you like i taiKing ro people, are in to 80 iflke the thrill of mak-i ina a sale? II so.
this sales program has proven success Is for you. Learn the art of selling at vour own pace. LOOKING FOR: Sales exp. preferred Positive attitude Self starter Honest reliable Transportation a must Independent Sales Oppty Excellent earning potential. Flexible hours daytime evenings.
No quotas. Call tor more Into. 655-1113 OUTSIDE EYEWEAR Maior Importer of Fashion European Eyewear looking for Exp'd Frame Rep. with a following In the SW territory. 1-800-243-6371 Ask for Stacy OUTSIDE SALES Labor Force.a national leader In the temporary personnel Industry, It currently seeking the right candidate outside sales position.
Includes cold calling, telemarketing ft extensive client interaction. The Ideal candidal would possess year experience in the temporary personnel field but willing to train right person. Compensation Includes base salary, commission, benefit package car allowance. Resume a must. Please caH Mrs.
Graves for immediate consideration at 415-0040. LABOR FORCE 3302 Thomas Phoenix 85017 'OUTSIDE SALES' One ot the Valley's leading service companies seeks growth oriented Indiv. for outside sales. Direct sales, property mgmt knowledge restaurant knowledge helpful Salary bonuses bnfts. Resume to Doug Benson, 12615 N.
Cave Creek Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85022 OUTSIDE SALES Strong telemarketing skills for ASU advertising. Draw and commission. 1-800-462-8705 PAVING PRODUCTS SPECIALIST For over 63 Equipment Company, CATERPILLAR dealership, has been meeting the heavy equipment needs In southern Nevada. We are committed to providing OPPORTUNITY and SECURITY for employees dedicated to initiative, superior performance and teamwork. Currently, we have a position available for a Paving Products Specialist In our Las Vegas location.
This position will be responsible for all aspects ot the Paving Products fine at Cashman Equipment. This position requires a minimum of 4-5 years experience In the paying products industry. Must have basic computer skills. Must be able to avel overnight. Must possess valid drivers license and clean driving record.
Cashman Equipment offers excellent salaries, medical, dental, life Insurance, generous, paid persona leave, paid holidays, educational assistance, ana 40 IK and Profit Sharing. Qualified candidates may submit a resume or apply In person to: Cashman Equipment Co. Human Resources Dept. 3101 Craig Rd North Las NV 19030 (702) 399-4411 An Equal Opportunity Em- Plover Mf-l DV As a concerned corporate citizen, Cashman Equipment rias assumed a leadership role pre-employment drug screening. RECRUITING BONUS If vou are an exp'd PBXHvbrld Hardware Sales Executive we will pay you a Recruiting Bonus of up to 150,000 Cell for details 252-3993 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION SALES We are looking for a hardworking, enthusiastic outside sale rep.
If you have at least zvrs exp In construction sales, you may be the person to (ID the position. Please apply In erson to: Artistic stairs, 41 16 Superior, 7, Phx, 85040. hone 437-5652, Fax 457-8343 RESIDENTIAL WindowDoor replacmnt for estab co. Exp A clean vehicle req, Good pay equity poten. Resume: POBox 5733, Scottsdale 85261-5733 RESORT RENT-A-CAR has Immed openings for Rental Agents night shift Mgrs.
Prior car rental or cust sve exp pref. Apply In person, 3700 E. Washington, Phx. 220-0122 RICH? Are you aggressive, determined, self motivated and like to have lots of fun at what you do? This must be for you! Serious Inquiries only. Call for appt.
929-0837. RV SALES PERSON Successful RV dealer Is looking tor a professional RV sales person. Experience In RV sales Is expected. Apply In person 2025 E. Main St Gilbert Rd.
834-10 llllij Independent sales reps to sell medical office computer software to physicians, chiropractors, psychologists, dentists, etc. 6 figure income attainable. Call Mike Large at Spec-traSoft 413-0450 SALES CAREER ENTRY LEVEL Established 17yr old company has an opportunity for you to enter our sales training pro-pram. Must be well groomed, nave good communication skills 8, posititlve energy level. We offer salary bonus, Insurance! 401 plan.
Call Ray 233-1399 (70 SALES CONSULTANTS: poking for a home with a lucrative pay plan? And a chance to grow with a growing company? Only experienced candidates should apply In person to: CUUVER INFINITi See Alex EstayWalt Cook 2205 Bell Rd Phoenix, AZ 85023 (602)866-6611 SALES Consultant Pre-Press, industry experience preferred S24-S28K for 6 months then comm. Realistic J40-J80K. Resume to: 2926 Virginia, Phx 85009 or FAX 278-2775. SALES DROP OFF BOOKS PICK UP $500 WK GUARANTEED TO START NO EXPER. NEC! One of nation's fastest Sowing co's morlca's largest book strip co.
Local reps needed right now! No experience necessary Quick, simple training 1500 wk guaranteed start Many earn J1000wk after 3 wksl No nights, no weekends Advancement to mgmt oppty If you drive vour own car, have a neat appearance can work Independently, come grow with us! tail 602-267-7767 SALES ENGINEER f'rovides application quota-ion support to customers, representatives, agents; provides product training, field sales support, tracks customer proiects. Requires technical background In Industrial products with emphasis on flowmeters, calibration. ancillary electronics and their applications. Must have excellent communication presentation skills, capable of self organization, planning, with ability desire tp sell. International sales experience a plus.
B5 MABSEt or equivalent educationwork experience. Send resumes to: Attn: J. Riley, Flow Technology, 4750 E. Broadway, Phx, AZJ5040. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE, principalsonly.
tquai upporunity trnpioyer MFHV Sales FRATERNITY SPORTWEAR Nation's largest supplier of sportswear party tavors. Calling on college fraternity sorority accounts. Individual must be free to travel extensively overnight, have dependable auto, and desire to be successful. Recent fraternity exp helpful. High income commission basis with bonus.
For local interview call Rick Abbott 800-846-4294 7a-3p lillrfeMl4 LOOKING FOR TRAVEL OdTUENT FUN COMMISSIONS BONUSES, OVERRIDES Think about a career In the TRAVEL INDUSTRY. For Interview send resume to: P.O. Box62702 Phx 85082-2702. Atten: Jeff LOVE PEOPLE Five people needed to capital lie on helping our environ mem be what It should be. Wii train (4-7K monthly) ootentia No phone Interviews.
Appointment call Shawn 968-11 25 Management SEEKIJNG AN INDIVIDUAL TO LEARN MY BUSINESS Busv executive of a national. publicly-held company Is seeking an individual to learn mv business. This is a permanent career position. Must be able to follow directions and nave complete Integrity. For a confidential interview Call Mr.
Randall 266-8221 MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE L.DB International, a progressive leader In the telecommunications Industry, is seeking to continue expansion with qualified Sales Representatives for pur Phoenix office. Currently in our Ijth year as a broker of MCI and Sprint long distance networks, our 100,000 business users receive lower rates, larger discounts and enhanced fea tures reducing their long oisiance expenses py or more. To be considered, candidates should possess a college degree or equivalent, 1-3 years sales experience, excellent telephone and direct selling skills, confidence, self-moti vation, and the desire to excel. In return we offer $25,000 salary J70.000 commission opportunities, protected Phoenix territory, excellent benefits package, 2 weeks training at headquarters and opportunities tor advancement. Please submit resume to: LDB INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION S050 340 Phoenix, AZ 85018 Marketing Representative wauto related sales experience needed lor growing Marketing Co.
We have established accounts and no one to service them. Must be detail, CSI oriented, strong closer, professional appearance. Some travel, Salary, bonus insurance. Send resume to AIM 4019 N. 44th Ste.
202 Phoenix, AZ 8501ortaxto602-52-1715. MEDICAL diagnostic CO. FTPT needed. Xlnt commissions. Call Bob, 395-9255 MEDICAL or Pharmaceutical Sales Rep to sell our electronic Claims services lo Health Care Providrers in vour spare time.
Resume a must. Comm only. AMC, 813-8088 MEDICAL SALES Present oyr exclusive medical supply inventory system to health care provideri Training, xlnt income, Mr, White, 1-774-0433 or I606)-540-I545 METLIFE INS. CO. We are expanding our sales staff.
Xlnt benefits training program 866-212 E.O.E. MICROTEST Product Manager Microtest is a rapidly growing, leading supplier of Local Area Ndwork test and connection equipment based in Phoenix, we are looking for talented, experienced, enthusiastic Individuals who wish to share In the excitement ot a high growth enterprise. The successful candidate will be responsible for managing all aspects ot the network diagnostic product line, including product marketing, product management, and program management. Responsibilities will Include defining new products, determining pricing, positioning, packaging, distribution channel, and promotions, and Introducing products to the market. Requirements Include: Bachelor's degree In Business, Marketing, or related field; 4-5 years related experience; ability to make effective and persuasive presentations; effective writing skills; ability to coordinate and manage diverse activities; and a broad understanding of the LAN marketplace.
tf you meet the requirements, please send your resume and salary requirements In confidence to Microtest, P.O. Box 10217, Phoenix, AZ 85064-0217. FAX: (602) 952-6660 Attn: Kym Oavis. EOE. MONEY Earn more money selling furniture with The Big Tin Shed Must be experienced willing to work for a weli established co.
Apply 5855 N. 51st Ave. National trade show pub lishing co. seeking t-T tnsiae sales rep to market our shows Xlnt sal comm. Full benefits; growing co.
Call 602 9VO-110I ext 1T72, or mail resume to VPI, Attn: C. Turner, Box 5400, ScHdl 8526J neeeoeoTrsmediately Sales oriented person SlMwk.Cat 702 171-fjJI. NEW CO. GROWING FAST Need people with winning attitudes high motivation. Marketing CO.
wants you! excellent training, yu for aoot. HealthFitness. 902-0727 OFFICE FURNITURE Inside sales, busy floor, qual cstmrs Xlnt comm. bonus, buffs. Est co Info to: AGoodman G-2 pfc furn Mkt PO Box 13289 Phx, 85O02.
LADIES J4-MK MONTHLY POT. AND MEN. I'm looking to tram 5 key Individuals to earn on arjove average income! 1 Rem. mgri 8, syovrs needed (mmed! It vou have what it 1 takes have a tun lovlnb nnitiie attilitrie. rail frv Arwir positive attitude, call tor apor TrnQ.trvl avail.
m-0660 DTSER PRINTER SALES 1 Service rep. Call on new and established customers. No travel. Hwh commission. Fax rsumt to68-8428 IF INSy ANC EAGFNTT needed to market, unique product packaoe to seniors in Mesa Phx.
RP.C, 266-2495 LOOK Available Immediately! Sales Representative position at one of Itie valley's biooest and best automobile dealerships, the The Best Pay Plan: comm suuusai Trx Best Schedule: alary Weekends Ott! The Best Benefits: Medical, Dental More! The Best Inventory: New Used PonliacGMC Aooly In person at 2201 W. Ben Phoenix, AZ, See Denis or Mike In Pontiac Building -lorn si.) uv WW. i lookme For A Career? NI6 Int'T, one of the largest computer dist In (the Ind Is seeking 40-50 dedicated indiv tor entry level to mgmt positions. The expansion ot our facility req qual personnel who tnave xim comm skins, confidence, a oroven track rerord, team olaver atti- ruae, me aesire lo attain superior goals, we neea Inside Phone Sales National Outside sales Marketing Telemrko Computer Technicians NEI has competitive sal benefits. EOfc.
For consld- eration forward your re-1 sume to NlE Intl. 3000 E.1 I Phoenix, 8S040 "Mi fV Looking lor i sales person wexperience In electronic prepress, 1-4 color print ing wcoaters, demand printing packaging priming, company has at tractive benellts com pensation packages for the right person. Send resume In confidence to: Box V-1647 CO RG, 120 Van Buren, AZ 8SO04 or fax to (602) 271 8531 coboxa. 164 Sit' 1H "P'tWlHH I uimuM 1411 ttl to UiJUld Jrtl MADEMOISELLE M-MK MONTHLY POT. AND MEN.
Looking for an Incredible lifestyle that revolves around an exciting career? Reps, mgrs, supvrs needed. Get paid what you're worth Trngtrvl avail. Call me now tor an aiHJt. Serious Inquiries only. 929-0680 Management YOUR LAST JOB This could be tt! We are an International company expanding due to a substantial lead flow a most unique market.
Wenttw UNUMITEDINCOME NOPROSP GROUP MEDICAL RECESSION PROOF UBfiSiL retirement We need: Three aggressive Individuals who want lo be fuliv compen sated tor their efforts If vou are tired ot spending i most of your time prospecting 4 want a career opportunity, i please give us a call. 266-8242 Ask for Mr. Simpson Manufacturer's Rep Dlstriubutor seeking est. medkal supply manors rep. Compliment existing lines wifh pur radiology products throughout the state of AZ on 1 comm.
basis only. Send re's ium? Trade Medkal 1 2J0J Terra Dr.laoune Hlils CA 92653. Attn: Personnel. MARKETING Sens-Conductor Industry SCI Systems, Inc an expand-kig Fottune SOO corporate ader, seeks dynamic technically knowledoeable marketing manager tor our mechanical product and systems department. The selected Individual win have a technical degree and semi-conductor industry equipment familiarity with years as Individual Initiator (not sales mgr In mechanical Systems marketing.
This would Include direct, capability in market planning, sales presentations, product promotions, trade shows, and mfg rep tine coordination and evaluation to achieve sales objective. SCI Is located In one of the Southeast's most respected technology centers. Our Hinitsvilie, Alabama location features low cost of living, excellent schools, housing and snooping; and the scenic beauty of the Tennessee Valiey. Please send resume with monetary expectations (re-qui ted) tor tins position to: Professional Staffing, MS208 SCI SYSTEMS, INC PO Box 1000 HuntsvHM. Alabama 1SM7 An Equal Orrcortunitv Employer MFVD Sales Professionals7 If you're looking for a financially rewarding opportunity in a great industry, with a great company, than explore fhe opportunity with Metrol Security Services, Arizona's largest full service security company.
Our reputation and service opens doors for talented people selling Sonitrol, Commercial, Residential, Closed Circuit Television, and. Access Control Systems We are looking for goal oriented, aggressive people with an extreme desire to be the best. You must possess excellent verbal and wr tten skills. We offer an excellent com- fensation package, ongoing aining and a complete bene-t package. To apply, send your resume to: David Green, VP Sales Metrol Security Services 333 Indian School Road Phoenix, AZ 85013 of fax your resume to (602) 230-1833 SALES PROFESSIONAL If career growth earnings are Important to your future, explore one ot the fastest rowing corporations in tmer ca todav.
We are the ndustrv leader In corrjorate Identity programs wover 25 consecutive yrs of growth. VVe have expanded through the early 90's are aggressively continuing to do so today. If you have a minimum of 18 months direct outside sales exp, excellent verbalwritten communication skills, a professional appearance the burning desire to succeed, send your resume to: Clntas Corp, Atten Brian Huskey, 702 N. 1st St, Phx, AZ 85004 SALES REP Leadha Scottsdale i looking for professional sales people to work with existing clients. Must have excellent comr busln imun cation skills, creativ-I, we I developed sense of ness.
Part time full time. fnone (oui Ji4-iv Fax resume (602) 451-4768 SALES REPRESENTATIVE needed by national pet food company. Must be aggressive, organized, a self starter and highly motivated. Veterinary sales exp. helpful but not necessary.
Base salary, commission, car allowance, been-fits. Send resume to: Neil Tauber, 3420 Ocean Park Blvd Ste 1000, Santa Monica, CA 90405 or Fax 310-392-1074. SALESTECHNICAL Manufacturer of computer controlled laser processing systems has Immed opening for salesperson. Successful candidate will be enthusiastic team, player wgood communication organizational skills. Computer technical background preferred.
Some sales exp necessary. 2-4 yrs technical degree helpful. Travel reguireo. Xlnt earning potential for motivated person. Send resume to: Box V-1573 cO RG, 120 E.
Van Buren, AZ 85004 or fax to (602) 2714531 CO box. Sales Trainees Successful Salespeople This position could lead to Sales Management. The person chosen will be outgoing, Independent and ready fo loin CAL area with protected ac counts, high repeat sales, earnings between per year and excellent benefits. We pay a salary and bonus or subsidy and com mission ro si people. To arrange a local interview please send resume to: STATE CHEMICAL MFG CO Attn: Ken Klusmann District Sales Manager P.O.
Box 12202 Scottsdale, AZ 85267 EOE Mf SALES Trainer, self starter wpeople skills, bonuses and comm, FTPT. 407-8050 Sales SALES SUCCESS STORY It can happen at Termlnlx -one of the country's fastest growing Fortune Service 500 companies. We need a SALES REPRESENTATIVE with drive, a positive attitude and a proven track record. 3 month training program with guar-anteecf salary lst year earning potential J30K 'Car allowance 'Growth potential Complete benefits package. Apply in person at: 1711 Univrsty .153 Tempe 2910 N.
35 Av, Bldg 2 .1, Phx 141)1 N. Itm 5tol2, 5CIS EOEMFD SUCCESS BREEDS SUCCESS SALESPERSON wanted for new exciting growth oriented co. Prefer person who has automotive knowledge sales exp. Production will be rewarded more income potential. A self starting profes sional will have an unlimited future our co.
Call Leon Mon or Tues 9-1pm 922-7465. Salesperson wanted to solicit sales and rentals for cranes in fhe local construction and mining fields. Send resumes to Lennon Crane Equip. Co. fnc 2915 E.
llnlT Pnoenlx SALESPERSON, needed exp preferred, tor aggressive truck pans company, great benefits good future. Apply Freeway Truck Parts, 3107 W. Virginia 233-6520 SALES Well established mgmnt CO wnat I reputation Is looking for an exp'd salesperson to work wdental professionals. Must relate well to people establish rapport easily. Potential unlimited for a quality oriented sales person with a sincere desire to make a difference.
Wllllim to travel. Sena resume to: CPU, 7272 E. Indian School, 100, Scottsdale, 85251. ATTN: JoAnn. Marketing tyl S- SALES TRAINEE MARKETING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM CAVCO Homes, Arizona's largest producer of Manufactured Modular Homes, with 3 factories and over 1,000 employees has an excellent entry level career opportunity in our Sales Department.
The person we are looking for Is a recent grao with a 4 yr Degree preferably In Marketing. Some sales experience a plus, but not required, NO CALLS PLEASE Mall resume to: CAVCO HOMES 1001 N. Central Ave, 8th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85004 Arm: VP Sales Marketing SALES TRAINEE TOUR GUIDE National state-of-the-art technical school Is seeking an outgoing, high energy, wel groomed Individual to conduct campus tours. Must be able to speak with large group be yyilling to perform general office duties. Customer service exDerienre nerearv.
nalpr; ce necessai this for a sales hour xlnt exp nerpi this oosltion rooms 6.92 Der sales career. oenetit*. Call: Leon Kochan 258-1071 or fax resume to: Leon Kochan 602-252-1981 Universal Technical Inst, 3002 27th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85017 EOE SECURE SERVICE NATIONAL DUPACCTS. FROM OUR OFFICE.
Salary Colmmlssion Call 276-7817 SECURITY ALARM SALES CONSULTANT 23 year national rescom security company experlenc ng explosive growth in Dooming Industry. Phoenix branch of western Region Is looking for: Excellent closing skills Desire $40,000 to 160,000 Commitment to success We offer National Presidents Club Regional recognition Management development Excellent compensation Send you documented sales successes along with resume: ROLLINS PROTECTIVE SERVICES 6330 E. Thomas Rd. 210 Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Service Consultant At Danka Industries one of the nation's leading Independent office automation system companies we're expanding our Service Department. This growth has created an immediate opportunity tor a District Service Consultant to loin our Phoenix office.
We are seeking a dedicated, enthusiastic, career-minded Individual with a professional business Image, position responsibilities include selling new maintenance agreements within an assigned territory and buildingmaintaining positive relations with all current and future Danka customers. Excellent benefits available, For an Interview, please call or submit your resume to Tom Sallcetl, Regional Service Manager ar DANKA BUSINESS SYSTEMS 224? w. Fairmont Drive Tempe, AZ 85282 (602) 267-1118 Equal Opportunity Employer Sharp, skilled part time sales person need for Jan 11 to 15 1995 Boat Show. Must have Closing skills. Call 966-1595 ask for Rusty.
SNYDER Communications, a limned pannersnip qt News World Report seeks entrepreneur! Individual to develop a sales team of 25-30 reps selling residential long distance services In the Phoenix area, compensation includes base salary, benefits, commission, bonuses, car allowance, expenses. Cover tetter, resume salary history to: SJE, 6903 Rockleoge 15th floor, Bethesda, MA 20817 or FAX (301) 468-0305 by December 20th SO YOU THINK YOU CAN Well then, you should be working hcren You can make between $7.50 $15 per hour comm's. Everyone In the Valley knows about the Republic and Gazette, so come down and help us sell! Gar. Hourly. Don't Wait-CALL NOW! Ask for Ron 954-7196 SOFTWARE sales person, full time.
Automotive repair background helpful, Xlnt gopty for motivated person. FAX resume to 602-921-7430 STOCKBROKER BURNOUT. Stop Starting At Zerem Nat'l training support High sales pavouf Learn from lop producers Serious inquiries only 808-8889 STOCKBROKERTRAINEE Make Your New Year's Resolution A Profitable One Full training program ynllmted qualified leads Superior research Excellent payouts Experienced or will train 1-800-388-840 STORE MANAGER needed for busy Goodyear dealership, experience a must call (04-9260 leave message. 4 4 Ay. Ay Ajj.
FURNITIJRF SAI FS Outgoing person exp'd or train right person. commission sales. Med fringe penetin. Miring ror oienaaie a. Plw locations.
Apply In person, StoolA Dinette Fartnru. 12222 Cave Creek Rd, Phx OUTSIDETechnical Sales for areater Phx area. Malnr JFoxboro) Ind. insfrumenta- nuri supplier wxiot Territory, salary, comm, expenses. CaH Mr.
Mattos, 1-800-433-2580 PAYCHEX AVAILABLE Call today, start tomorrow 264-8140 miliil 'PERFORMANCE DODGE' Sales are up 200SI We are looking for aggressive sales people to loin a winning team! WE OFFER: Great Commission Plan Ample Time Off Paid Vacations Sell Both New Used Excellent Training Plan a Base salary ottered while you learrt No Experience Necessary! Apply in person at 4240 W. Glendale Ave. Performance Dodge! 247-4444. Phoenix's newest health club Is now accepting applications for Marketing and Sales positions, you have a strong desire to be successful. Cemelback lo-catlon.
Call 224-9394 tor appt. PHONE SALES Earn high comm weekly pay. Good leads provided. Guardian Products 21639 N. )4th Ave, Phx.
(Deer Valley) PLANET FITNESS Is looking-for FT Sales people, new expansion creates opportunity. Join 4 ot the Valley's best health clubs, Base commission, bonus, excellent income. Too production leads to management. Holiday Bonus for new hires. Call Vic 277-6000 PLUMBING SALES Established Tucson Plumbing Supply Wholesaler expanding tpsideoutslde sales force.
Compensation based on exp. Xlnt benefits. Submit Resume Salary History in confidence to: NCITUC, PO Box 23340, Phoenix, AZ. 85063 PROFL ACCOUNT EXEC Successful, local publisher rds 2 exp'd account execs service existing clients expand client base. Great comm benefits if qualified dependable.
G.F.1. 274-4858 Profs needed for stable, growing telecom co. Mm 1 yr outside sales In long distancenetwork sales track record of success. MANGMNT TRAINING PROG. MULTIPLE-OPTION CAREER PATH FOR TOP PERFORMERS.
Base comm car allow. Xclnt benefits. Renaissance Personnel 263-5100 NO FEE ilnlllllllilUllilllllliiliililiilliiillliiiiillliililili PUBLIC RELATIONS PizzaAmusem*nt chain seeks outgoing and organized people person. 1500mo comm benefits. Very enloyable and rewarding for the right Individual.
This Is NOT a marketing or office position and NOT bankers hrs. It should be fun. Send resume (Incl salaries) to: Human Resource Dept PO Box 44495 Phoenix, AZ 85064-4495 'I i-i-iii 'ii-iii-i-. 1 1 Public Utility Consultants. Llfe- tim resiauai income.
Home based. Call 788-5464 mum I I I lllll Ii I HI III II ll II III Ready to be your own boss? The Country Com panies can offer you a rewarding career. A 60 year old muitl-llne Insurance company offers In- depth training a starting salary of $2400 per month commission. 345-7035 JliililiJiijiiiilMuiiiliukirUuiill.Jii.JLuldlU RESERVATIONISTS SALES AGENTS International resort developer seeks reservatlonistssales agents. Sell vacation packages, you call customers, customers call you.
Hourly wage Incentives. Your salary is limited ony by vour desire to succeed! Excellent opportunity with well-established International company. Hotel or Airline reservations exp manadory. RESORT MARKETING 553-0533 M-F SALES LEADER Looking for a special person capable of gathering leading a team of f25 We Insurance 4 securities licensed reps to follow up leads from AMERICAS MOST well known financial author, TV talk show, Infomerdafs, seminars. He Is a national celebrity who Is developing local repre- rlatives In the Phoenix area Implement his financial strategies with over 5000 existing active members In Phoenix over 15V0 new teads each month.
If you are a licensed sales rep. Currently a current sales leader J'llh a team call Gary at 71-1851 Monday. AA SALES MANAGER Looking for an aggressive individual wsaies marketing backgrnd to estab. sales force in the consumer electronics industry. Resume to: D.
Mannheimer, 7150 E. Cam-elback 300 Sctsdl, AZ 85251 Sales-Medical PTFT Have you sold medical supplies or pharmaceuticals. Profit from vour experience. Immediate Income. 800-297-2878 ext 915 Sales MULTIMEDIA SECURITY SERVICE Recognized as one of the nation's leading security companies.
Multimedia cur. rently seeking to enhance Its existing professional sales staff. Our successful markej expansion affords excellent opportunities to build a career with a strong, fast growing company. We offer qualified leads, excellent compensation, monthly bonuses, paid training and vacations, medical Insurance and 401 plan. Qualified candidates must have prior outside sales experience and reliable transportation.
Prior ndustry experience a plus, but not required. Candidates are Invited to call 602-864-1646, M-F, Bam-5pm. Applicants subleci to drug testing and background Investigation. EOE SALES-Natl Indirect Auto Leasing Co. Is seeking a proven salesperson for an Acct Exec position In the AZNV markets.
Base, car benefits. High earnings avail for hard working Individual marketing Indirect lease programs to franchise dealers. Prefer 3 vrs auto leasing exp college degree. Send resume to Lendco, 20970 warner tenier sr Center Wood-s, CA 91367 or fax to 1 lano hiii: 8 lb-Bo 3- SALES OPPORTUNITY Are You ready to build Your future? Do You want a career with security earning poten tial? We are a commercial quality quick printer with 6 stores In 3 cities growth In Sur future, ur goal Is to become the printing Industry leader. We are currently 37fh in the Jjl AQP's top 100 In the coun- Anxlpus to hire the tight person for our sales team.
We have spacific goals methods in place to accomplish our goals out would welcome, new lals but wr eas. We I lueds. we nave rennea, detailed training program in place designed to Improve Your selling skills. We value hard work, team players opportunlthy. Base salary, commission, profitsharlngcompany participation In 401 retirement plan, Section 125 Cafeteria program medical Insurance.
Potential earnings based on Your ability Intensity. For a career position, call Robert at 967-2500 or come by Prinf Tine 818 W. Broadway, Tempe or 1509 N. Central call 252-3900 SALES Our client needs entry level sales rep. wexpjn cold call'g, win Manure uruuuu sales ro disfrlbutlonwholesaleretall stores.
Must have strong work ethicwlll'g to 00 extra mile. 250-350 "mo Comm. Fax esume pniyi no cans piease ITAFFONE 952-8792. SALES Person PT Wknds In 5 mobile home park. No exp nec.
Tempe. 438-7175 for appt SALES Persons needed, kids toys shoes, great for Xmas, high commission 967-4148. Sales PROCTER GAMBLE Retail Sales Representative PART-TIME position available In the Phoenix area. If you are Interested In working In a professional sales environment which provides: Part-time hours Opportunity for personal and professional growth Opportunity to meet and work with people v.then we have an opportunity for you. The Procter Gamble Com- Rany, leading manufacturer of ousehold, health and beauty care items, is looking for a highly-motivated Individual to work part-time, 15-20 hpurs per week as a Retail Sales Representative.
We will train you to sell, service and merchandise products such as Tide, Pampers, Crest and Pantene. Your territory will consist of retail grocery, drug and mass merchandiser stores In your area. We offer: Attractive starting salary a Car allowance a Paid vacation Laptop computer We are looking for a oood communicator who enloys the challenge ot selling and problem solving. A reliable car, proof of Insurance and valid drivers license area a must. Previous sales andor merchandising experience is preferred but not required.
(THIS JOB WILL NQTlE AO INTO A FULL-TIME POSITION). Qualified candidates call 1-800-966-4139 and ask for extension is an Equal Opportunity Employer. i OH SALES- Otfice furniture to Commer. health, education, for manf sal bonusCo. car Exec Recruiter 818-340-6300.
Sales OUTSTANDING SalesManagement Career Opportunity Aggressive womanMan TSI.lnc., NYSE Co. with over 110 offices offers complete training for account executive management trainee. Unique no competition cash flow improving business management service needed by 99 of businesses. No nightsweekends Mngr training program. Xlnt repeat bus.
Income Xlnt guarantee, bonus, comm, incentive program. CALL 602-650-4984 Sales Professionals We are Reed Exhibition Companies, one of the world most broadly based trade show organizers. Due to continued growth, we are seeking aggressive and enthusiastic safes people to loin pur dynamic sales team selling exhibit space. These positions will be located in our otfice in Mexico City. To quality, vou'll need 2-3 years experience in buslness-fo-business sales.
This should include telemarketing, tace-to-face sales, and experience selling In Mexico. These positions Involve 30 travel. Open positions require fluency In Spanish and experl- Ece selling in the Manutac-'ing, Computer, and Food rvice Industry. We offer competitive salary, commission, and a comprehensive benefits package. Career, advancement opportunities exist throughput Reed Exhibition Companies North American.
Send vour resume with salary requirements to: Vice President Human Resources, P.O. Box 6059, Norwaik, CT 06850. An equal opportunity employer MFDV. SALES PROFESSIONAL Spectra-Physics Laserplane Inc. Our Phx.
office has a career oppty available for a professional with sales experience In the Az. construction market. Mln. 1 year experience In sales of construction products. Duties: Sell and promote our laser based products In the Az.
market, ED: BS Business or equivalent, Base Salary Commission Bonuses Medical Bnfts401K Vehicle Send Res to: 4202 E. Elwood, Phx. Az. 85040 Attn: Manager SALES PROFESSIONALS Exp calling on business. Great proauct.
vuk 1st year. Bene fits. Advancement. This Ts the one vou ve Deen waning mg tor. 127 E.
Resume to: SDC, 7127 E. iecker Ln 168, Scoftsdafe AZ 85254 Sales REAP THE REWARDS OF WORLD LEADERSHIP! INDUSTRIAL SALES YUMA BASED in a little over 50 years we lave oecome ine interna-ional, multi-billion leader ln he manufacture and market- no of fasteners, fastening systems and tools for the construction Industrial market. Quality products, expert technical support and superior service are 3 of the factors that put us In our leadership position. The 4th is our salesforce. We start with achievement driven and profit motivated professionals.
We arm them with the best training, management and technical support In our Industry. We provide a superior compensation program consisting of salary, commissions, bonus, vehicle, expenses and big benefits. Our culture is one which rewards creatlvlh commitment, organization and exceptional sales skills with financial and career growth. If you have at least 3 years of direct, outside sales experience to the Industrial, plant andor construction market, good lob stability, 2 years of college, a successful rracK recorg nu AK ILLING TO RFI OCATf YUMA. THE RPWARD? WORLD LEADERSHIP WAIT YOU! RlftH vnnr resume In confidence to: M.
T. POLK, PH.D. 1255 POST STREET 625 San Francisco, CA 94109 Females and Minorities are encouraged to apply. SALES REP. Fortune 500 co.
needs your entry level sales exp. (1-3 yrs. exp only), 4 yr degree good success record, mgmt oppty In 2 yrs. S26-28K salary yr no Fee. SUME ONLY! No lease! STAFF ONE SALES REP Local Mfg.
looking for talented Sales Rep. Arust possess excel communication skills, aggressive, and CAN-DQ attitude, S-lOvrs sales record. We want a positive, organized, enthusiastic professional. Base Salary Comm. Resume wRef, P.O.
Box 37467, Phx, Az. 85069 SALES SOFTWARE Good phone skills. Working with PC's and DOS desirable. Working with electronics a plus. For Interview call 730-8900 91 it car.
si FAX RE calls pi 952-8792 I I. Continental Power Exchange, Inc. (CPE) It seeking a qualified professional to direct business development Initiatives and manage client support services throughout the western U.S. CPE is the operator of a real time Integrated Information system used In the transaction ot bulk power. The Ideal candidate will hold a four year technical degree and exhibit a working knowledge of both power system operations and current electric power Industry Issues.
Special consideration will be given to Individuals who have specific western U.S. electric utility project experience Including power operations, real-time scheduling, resource marketing, andor systems planning. Interested candidates should forward professional resumes and salary requirements history In confidence to the Continental Power Exchange, 2100 RiverEdge, Suite 400, Atlanta. GA 30328. inn ii wi wti mm mm mmmm mm mi mm I MAIIuuA PuOnftriMtg it nation iiuii puuiielief ol annual mihliry baa rwwcomai diractonaa Wa ara awking aulas pcoa lor BP our nan aim Mam.
working ovactly win mapir miliary inalalla-tn. Wa laquira our aala paopia to ba ditctpiinad. aelf -alartam wi.ti track record of panunal achievement Strong profaaaionat Mlat background with buameaa to buuneu outvda mm tipan-nca required, aalaa. yalkm page tales of miliary npananc conwiared a plua We lurruih through proiect orientation, top commMiona, prowctad tamlonaa and protected renew. abW arxounn lor pubHuiuont that hav bvan pubHKma lor ovat 30 eonaacukve yeara.
Apccanli ahooid ba eaiabkthad aucceaalul alaapaople. ba neat appaaianoa. baa que atuoy, ba financially labia, have reliable transportation and ba able lo Irealy travel to neighboring states. Including M-F overnight travel. At leader in the industry ainc 1 960.
we otter an outilanding career opportunity tor the independent aucoeta oriented Individual. MaH detailed mume to Mr Bob Morriaon. MARCOA Publishing. 0201 29th Sow 286, Phoenix. Anrona 85051 00? Refine your management skills with an Industry leader.
Dealer Territory Mgr. Scottsdale With the resources of one of the A College Education il great! But helping someone obtain one It even hotter. That's vrhy out 25 yr. old company is seeking highly motivated, positive minded individuals to market out College Funding Program to families whose children plan on a Higher Education. Free Qualified Leads 50K-8OK 1st Year Potential Trips, Stocks, Bonus Complete Training Program Call Dave Markee Mon 9-4 Only (602) B37-8181 Continental Power Exchange, Inc.
FOE Wanted: Sales Professionals with tiigh TtfikaC Standards We are looking for winners with a proven successful sales Dackgrouna, who want to earn what they deserve. nation's most successful petroleum companies behind you, there's no telling how far you can gol Thafs the kind of opportunity you'll find with Tosco Northwest Company, a growing division of a Fortune 500 petroleum refiner, trader and retailer. We currently have an outstanding opportunity for a Dealer Territory Manager (retail marketing) to be based out of our Scottsdale office. This individual's primary responsibility in this fast-paced position will be to actively develop and manage a territory of retail service stations. The Ideal candidate will possess a minimum of five years of business experience, preferably In the petroleum retail marketing environment We are looking for a person with strong business development and marketing planning skills, as wen as sales experience.
We also require a Bachelor's degree. We provide competitive compensation and benefits and career opportunities for professional development for immediate consideration, please send your resume with cover letter and salary history to: Tosco Northwest Company, 3200 N. Haydon Road, Suite 140, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Principals only please; no phone calls. We are an equal opportunity employer. MicroAge One of the largest marketers and distributor! of information technology product and services in the world tiBs current openings tor professional sales people.
Applicants must be detail-oriented with proven outbound telephone sales skills as well as oral and written communication skills. We are seeking experienced sales and telemarketing representatives with good problem solving skills and the ability to work in a fast-paced, multi-task environment. PC computer familiarity, with college degree or equivalent experience desired. ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVES Initiate outbound sales calls. Manage existing sales territory through proactive phone contact.
Base salary plus commission compensation plan. ACCOUNT DEVELOPMENT REPRESENTATIVES Recruit new locations, proactlveiy call and qualify proepects, handle incoming calls and inquiries. Salaried position. if MicroAge offera paid training and excellent benefits and advancement opportunities for committed, career ormntod individuals. Send resume with salary history and requirements to MicroAge, ATTN: Human Resources Dopt HflSales-DM P.O.
Box 1920, Tempe AZ 852B0-1920. MicroAge supports a drug-lree environment and Is equal opportunity employer. Top Rated Company $50K1stYr Income Potential Full Benefits Pkg Retirement NO COLO CALLING Complete Training Support Territories Available Throughout Arizona This 130-f year old New England based company needs top performers (Men Women) to sell to America's fastest growing population. If you are tops in your sales field, please call (Monday Tuesday only) or fax your resume to: Larry Rose 1M TEL: (602) 248-7044 Tosco Northwest Company i A Division ol Tosco Corporation.