Overwatch Patch Notes (2024)

February 20, 2024

Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - February 21, 2024



Overwatch Patch Notes (1)


Overwatch Patch Notes (2)

Light Gun

  • Base projectile size reduced from 0.25 to 0.2 meters. Total projectile size is now 0.3 meters.

Overwatch Patch Notes (3)


Overwatch Patch Notes (4)

Take a Breather

  • Damage reduction increased from 40 to 50%.

Overwatch Patch Notes (5)


Overwatch Patch Notes (6)

Particle Cannon

  • Primary fire minimum damage increased from 85 to 95 damage per second.
  • Primary fire maximum damage increased from 170 to 190 damage per second.


Overwatch Patch Notes (7)

  • Base projectile sizes reduced from 0.1 to 0.075 meters. Total projectile size is now 0.175 meters.

Overwatch Patch Notes (8)


Overwatch Patch Notes (9)

Concussion Mine

  • Cooldown decreased from 8 to 7 seconds.
  • Maximum damage increased from 110 to 120.
  • Minimum damage increased from 20 to 55.

Overwatch Patch Notes (10)

Soldier: 76

Overwatch Patch Notes (11)

Heavy Pulse Rifle

  • Now uses the smaller 0.05 meter hitscan projectile size modifier. Total projectile size is now 0.05 meters .

Overwatch Patch Notes (12)


Overwatch Patch Notes (13)

Pulse Pistols

  • Minimum falloff range reduced from 12 to 10.

Overwatch Patch Notes (14)


Overwatch Patch Notes (15)

Widow's Kiss

  • Now uses the smaller 0.05 meter hitscan projectile size modifier. Total projectile size is now 0.05 meters.
  • Scoped shot damage falloff min-max range increased from 40-60 to 50-70 meters.


Overwatch Patch Notes (16)


Overwatch Patch Notes (17)

Healing Pylon

  • Cooldown decreased from 8 to 6 seconds.
  • Cooldown when destroyed by enemies decreased from 15 to 12 seconds.

Overwatch Patch Notes (18)

Captive Sun

  • Sunstruck explosion damage increased from 100 to 160.
  • Sunstruck explosion now has damage falloff again, reducing damage by up to 25%.

Overwatch Patch Notes (19)


Overwatch Patch Notes (20)

Sonic Amplifier

  • Base projectile size reduced from 0.15 to 0.1 meters. Total projectiles size is now 0.25 meters.

Overwatch Patch Notes (21)


Overwatch Patch Notes (22)

Caduceus Blaster

  • Base projectile size reduced from 0.25 to 0.2 meters. Total projectile size is now 0.3 meters.

Overwatch Patch Notes (23)

  • Base health decreased from 100 to 75.

Overwatch Patch Notes (24)

Snap Kick

  • Knockback decreased 25%.

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February 13, 2024

Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes – February 13, 2024


Season 9 brings core gameplay updates, a reworked Competitive game mode, and a new Co-op event that will test the courage of even the bravest heroes as they face a dangerous threat of cosmic proportions.


Face off against eldritch abominations in the twisted reality of Cosmic Crisis, a brand-new co-op mission. Work with three other players to repair your ship and escape the Ruins of Ecopoint Antarctica while fighting off the monstrous Null Sector. But keep an eye out for your teammates… an ancient power lurks in the shadows, waiting for its chance to strike.


Developer Comments: With your feedback, we’ve made new improvements to Competitive Play that aim to provide more transparency into your progress after every match; plus, we introduced a new skill tier and new Competitive Rewards to earn.

Skill Rank Reset

  • Given the significant changes to our heroes and the addition of a new skill tier, this reset is designed to give all players a chance to climb higher than ever before.
  • All ranks in Role Queue and Open Queue in Competitive Play have been reset to Unranked.

Placement Matches

  • Placements have been rebuilt from the ground up. Your predicted rank will be displayed after each placement match.
  • You must complete 10 matches in a role to receive your Skill Rank for that role.
  • Winning your placements will have a significant impact on your final rank.

Competitive Updates

  • Competitive Updates have been reworked. Instead of requiring five wins or 15 losses to get a Competitive Update, updates now happen after every match.
  • Going forward, the Competitive Updates page now hosts information about your ranks in Role Queue and Open Queue, as well as your progress toward Competitive Point rewards

Skill Modifiers

  • Modifiers now appear on the Competitive Progress page after each match.
  • Skill modifiers provide information on how much a rank will gain or lose progress after a match, including win or loss streaks, rank instability, and match favorability.

New Skill Tier - Champion

  • A new rank has been added above Grandmaster, called Champion, that is more exclusive than any other rank in Overwatch. Only an exceedingly small percentage of players will ever occupy this echelon of Competitive Play

Versus Screen

  • The range of ranks for players in a match of Competitive Play is now displayed on the same screen where both teams are shown with their name cards, player icons, and titles.

New Grouping Requirements

  • Bronze through Diamond Players may group with other players within 2 Skill Tiers of their own Skill Rank.
  • Master players may group with other players within 1 Skill Tier of their own Skill Rank.
  • Grandmaster players may group with other players within 3 Skill Divisions of their own Skill Rank.
  • Champion players may group with only one other player within 3 Skill Divisions of their own Skill Rank.

Art & UI Updates

  • Skill Tier and Skill Division art for rank icons have been redesigned for improved readability.
  • The Competitive Skill Tier legend has been redesigned to include updated and new relevant information.

Competitive Points

  • Each win now grants 10 Competitive Points.
  • Each draw now grants 5 Competitive Points.
  • Each loss still grants 0 Competitive Points.

Competitive Progression

  • Competitive Challenges that award additional Competitive Points at the end of the season have been replaced with a new Competitive Progression system.
  • Every match grants progress toward your Competitive Progression meter, and after earning 30 you will receive an additional 100 Competitive Points.
  • Wins award 3 progress toward your Competitive Progression meter. Draws and Losses award 1 progress.

Matchmaking Rating

  • At the start of this season only, the internal Matchmaking Ratings for all players have been adjusted to push players closer to the normalized average (approximately at Gold 3).
  • Matchmaking Ratings have been decayed. The higher the rank, the more it has been decayed.
  • Most players will start at a lower skill rank and division than their most recent rank.

Competitive Challenges

  • Competitive challenges removed. Rewards and progress for Competitive Play are now displayed on the Competitive Progress page and titles are rewarded at the end of the season.



  • Added a new set of visual upgrades. Hero/Game Mode badge upgrades start at Level 500. Progression Level badge upgrades start at Level 2500.
  • Wrecking Ball title rewards are renamed from "Champion" to "Champ" to align with Junker Queen's usage of the title (and to avoid confusion with the new Champion rank).
  • Adjusted amount needed to level up certain sub-badges for Mauga and Illari.


  • The endorsem*nt is only eligible if you're in the match for a set duration.
  • Endorsem*nts are subject to the configured cooldown period of 12 hours.
  • Endorsem*nts are subject to cooldown even if you unfriend the recipient.


  • Added a feature for controller/keyboard users that remembers what you had focus when backing out of screens.


New Reticle Types have been added.

  • Square
  • Box
  • Line
  • Triwing
  • Falloff

New Reticle Dots have been added.

  • Ring
  • Square
  • Triangle
  • Cross
  • Heart

New Reticle color options have been added.

  • Brown
  • Dark Red
  • Light Red
  • Light Purple
  • Gray
  • Teal


Developer Comments: Season 9 features changes to the fundamentals of Overwatch 2 gameplay that affect every hero. We’ve heard the community feedback around some gameplay pain points, and these changes are in response to many of those.


Most damage-dealing projectile sizes have been increased by a new global modifier added to their base size.

  • +0.05 meters for hitscan projectiles with a high rate of fire or spread (e.g., Tracer's Pulse Pistols or Reaper's Hellfire Shotguns).
  • +0.08 meters for hitscan projectiles that are more precise (e.g., Cassidy's Peacekeeper or Soldier:76's Heavy Pulse Rifle).
  • +0.05 meters for travel time projectiles that are shotguns or have a very high rate of fire (e.g., Roadhog's Scrap Gun or Ramattra's Void Accelerator).
  • +0.10 meters for travel time projectile with a speed greater than 50 meters per second (e.g., Zenyatta's Destruction Orb).
  • +0.15 meters for travel time projectile with a speed less than or equal to 50 meters per second (e.g., Pharah's Rocket Launcher).
  • Very large projectiles with a base size greater than 0.5 meters have been excluded from these increases (e.g., Orisa's Energy Javelin or Reinhardt's Fire Strike).

Hero combined HP (base health/armor/shields) increased by 15-25%.

  • 150-175 HP heroes increased by 25 HP.
  • 200-300 HP heroes increased by 50 HP.
  • 300+ HP (Tanks) increased by 75-100 HP.
  • Each hero's precise health increases are listed in their patch notes below.

Ultimate Charge

  • All Ultimate ability costs increased by 10%.

Regenerative Passive for All Heroes

  • All heroes now regenerate 20 health per second after 5 seconds of not taking damage.

Support Role Passive

  • Now reduces the delay before regeneration begins by half (2.5 seconds).

Damage Role Passive

  • Reload speed bonus on elimination has been removed.
  • New role passive: Dealing damage reduces enemy healing received by 20% for 2 seconds.

Quick Melee

  • Damage increased from 30 to 40.


Overwatch Patch Notes (25)

  • Pilot health increased from 150 to 175.
  • Mech armor increased from 300 to 375.

Overwatch Patch Notes (26)


  • Explosion maximum damage increased from 900 to 1000.
  • Inner explosion radius (range for maximum damage before falloff begins) increased from 4 to 6 meters.

Overwatch Patch Notes (27)

  • Health increased from 300 to 375.

Overwatch Patch Notes (28)

Rocket Punch

  • Max impact damage increased from 50 to 75.
  • Max wall slam damage increased from 30 to 40.

Overwatch Patch Notes (29)

Junker Queen
  • Health increased from 300 to 375.

Overwatch Patch Notes (30)


  • Wound damage over time increased from 60 to 90

Overwatch Patch Notes (31)

  • Health increased from 300 to 400.

Overwatch Patch Notes (32)

  • Armor increased from 275 to 350.

Overwatch Patch Notes (33)

  • Health increased from 200 to 275.

Overwatch Patch Notes (34)

  • Health increased from 200 to 250.
  • Armor increased from 250 to 275.

Overwatch Patch Notes (35)

Rocket Hammer

  • Damage increased from 85 to 100.

Overwatch Patch Notes (36)


  • Wall impact damage increased from 225 to 275.

Overwatch Patch Notes (37)

  • Health increased from 550 to 650.

Overwatch Patch Notes (38)

  • Shields increased from 200 to 275.

Overwatch Patch Notes (39)

  • Health increased from 200 to 225.
  • Armor increased from 200 to 250.

Overwatch Patch Notes (40)

Tesla Cannon

  • Primary Fire damage increased from 60 to 75 damage per second.

Overwatch Patch Notes (41)

Primal Rage

  • Punch damage increased from 40 to 50.

Overwatch Patch Notes (42)

Wrecking Ball
  • Armor increased from 100 to 175.

Overwatch Patch Notes (43)

  • Health increased from 100 to 175.

Overwatch Patch Notes (44)

Particle Cannon

  • Primary fire beam width increased from 0.15 to 0.2 meters.


Overwatch Patch Notes (45)

  • Health increased from 200 to 250.

Overwatch Patch Notes (46)


  • B.O.B.’s weapon damage increased from 14 to 17.

Overwatch Patch Notes (47)

  • Health increased from 200 to 250.

Overwatch Patch Notes (48)

  • Health increased from 225 to 275.

Overwatch Patch Notes (49)


  • Initial damage rate increased from 130 to 150.
  • Damage rate increased from 260 to 300.

Overwatch Patch Notes (50)

  • Health increased from 200 to 250.

Overwatch Patch Notes (51)

Focusing Beam

  • Width increased from 0.2 to 0.25 meters.

Overwatch Patch Notes (52)


  • Maximum combined health value increased from 300 to 350.

Overwatch Patch Notes (53)

  • Health increased from 200 to 250.

Overwatch Patch Notes (54)


  • Swing recovery decreased from 0.9 to 0.7 seconds.

Overwatch Patch Notes (55)

  • Health increased from 200 to 250.

Overwatch Patch Notes (56)

Storm Arrows

  • Damage increased from 65 to 75.
  • Cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds.

Overwatch Patch Notes (57)

  • Health increased from 200 to 250.

Overwatch Patch Notes (58)

Frag Launcher

  • Base projectile size reduced from 0.25 to 0.2 meters.

Overwatch Patch Notes (59)

  • Health increased from 250 to 300.

Overwatch Patch Notes (60)


Developer Comments: Pharah has a significant update that empowers more individual plays and shifting her movement capabilities from high up in the air to more horizontal movement that can cover distance quickly.

  • Health increased from 200 to 250.

Overwatch Patch Notes (61)

Rocket Launcher

  • Recovery reduced from 0.85 to 0.80 seconds.
  • Projectile speed increased from 35 to 40 meters per second.
  • Explosion self-damage reduced from 50% to 25%.

Overwatch Patch Notes (62)

Jet Dash

  • New Secondary Fire Ability.
  • Provides a quick horizontal boost in the direction Pharah is moving.
  • 8-second cooldown.
  • Added a setting to activate Jet Dash on Double Jump instead.

Overwatch Patch Notes (63)

Jump Jet

  • Now restores 50% of Hover Jets fuel and can briefly overfill the maximum fuel amount.
  • Vertical boost height reduced by 20%.
  • Cooldown increased from 10 to 14 seconds.

Overwatch Patch Notes (64)

  • Cooldown decreased from 9 to 7 seconds.
  • Explosion now deals 30 damage to enemy targets.
  • Explosion radius reduced from 8 to 6 meters.
  • Knockback reduced by 10%.

Overwatch Patch Notes (65)


  • Now instantly refills Hover Jets fuel.

Overwatch Patch Notes (66)

Hover Jets

  • Speed boost increased from 20% to 40%.
  • Now requires landing to recharge fuel.
  • Can now be activated without fuel to slow your descent.

Overwatch Patch Notes (67)

  • Health increased from 250 to 300.

Overwatch Patch Notes (68)

  • Health increased from 200 to 250.

Overwatch Patch Notes (69)


•Secondary Fire base projectile size reduced from 0.1 to 0.07 meters.

Overwatch Patch Notes (70)

Soldier: 76
  • Health increased from 200 to 250.

Overwatch Patch Notes (71)

  • Health increased from 200 to 250.

Overwatch Patch Notes (72)

  • Shields increased from 100 to 150.

Overwatch Patch Notes (73)

Photon Projector

  • Primary fire beam width increased from 0.2 to 0.25 meters.

Overwatch Patch Notes (74)

  • Health increased from 200 to 250.

Overwatch Patch Notes (75)

  • Health increased from 150 to 175.

Overwatch Patch Notes (76)

  • Health increased from 175 to 200.


Overwatch Patch Notes (77)

  • Health increased from 200 to 250.

Overwatch Patch Notes (78)

  • Health increased from 200 to 250.

Overwatch Patch Notes (79)

  • Health increased from 150 to 200.

Overwatch Patch Notes (80)

Rocket Flail

  • Damage increased from 35 to 45.

Overwatch Patch Notes (81)

  • Health increased from 200 to 250.

Overwatch Patch Notes (82)

  • Health increased from 200 to 250.

Overwatch Patch Notes (83)


  • Base projectile size reduced from 0.18 to 0.15 meters.

Overwatch Patch Notes (84)

  • Health increased from 175 to 225.

Overwatch Patch Notes (85)

  • Health increased from 200 to 250

Overwatch Patch Notes (86)


  • Damage increased from 25 to 35.
  • Knockback increased 12%.
  • Movement lockout duration increased from 0.3 to 0.45 seconds.

Overwatch Patch Notes (87)

  • Health increased from 200 to 250.

Overwatch Patch Notes (88)

Guardian Angel

  • Active duration on jump/crouch cancel reduced from 1.5 to 1 second.

Overwatch Patch Notes (89)

Sympathetic Recovery

  • Health recovered increased from 25% to 40% of healing dealt.

Overwatch Patch Notes (90)

  • Health increased from 200 to 250.

Overwatch Patch Notes (91)

Biotic Grasp

  • Secondary fire damage increased from 50 to 65 damage per second.
  • Secondary fire target acquisition radius increased from 0.6 to 0.7 meters.

Overwatch Patch Notes (92)

  • Health increased from 75 to 100.
  • Shields increased from 150 to 175.



  • New nighttime lighting theme.
  • New building near the first point to provide more cover & block long sightlines.
  • Added a water tower near the first point to block sightlines from upper choke positions.
  • Added more vehicles near the cliff to provide additional cover & block long sightlines.
  • Reduced the cliffside path to tighten the space and reduce the overall footprint of the area.
  • Removed a small health pack on the second area balcony that was easy for defenders to overuse.
  • Added vertical beam at second choke point to promote movement out of the upper floor & make the choke easier to defend.
  • Widened and added cover in a hallway in the third area to make close quarter fights easier to maneuver.

Developer Comments: We've added more cover—including new structures—to help counter some of the long sightlines around the first checkpoint. Additional changes in the third area allow attackers to push through certain chokes more easily.

Before and After

Before and After

Before and After

Before and After

Before and After



  • Fixed an issue with some shadows that could appear jagged when on any setting below Ultra.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented your skin from changing when using the Change Skin option in Hero Select if you had a Loadout selected.
  • Fixed a bug with Golden Weapons being marked as unspecified and not being purchasable.
  • Fixed a bug with some callouts for pushing the payload playing at incorrect moments.
  • Fixed an issue with Wall Climb failing in some situations.
  • Additional bug fixes for general stability and performance.


Antarctic Peninsula

  • Fixed lighting in some areas of the map.

King's Row

  • Fixed areas of the map that were missing collision.


  • Fixed some locations that could cause some heroes to become stuck

Shambali Monastery

  • Fixed a location of the map that displayed incorrect textures.



  • Fixed a bug with Meteor Strike that could result in Doomfist getting inside the environment.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Seismic Slam's damage from going through turrets.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent Doomfist from acquiring Overhealth in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where Rocket Punch left a small window of time open to use abilities.


  • Fixed an interaction when Duplicating Bastion that prevented the Duplicated Configuration: Artillery's shots from landing if Duplicate ended before they landed.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Tree of Life from healing Reaper when in Wraith form.


  • Amp it Up now goes on cooldown if interrupted by stun during its cast time or when dying while it’s active.


  • Fixed a bug with the burning applied by Mauga not being removed when picking up a health pack.


  • Terra Surge now correctly pulls in and damages enemies that are on uneven slopes/collision, as long as Orisa has a direct line of sight, they will get pulled/damaged.


  • Fixed a bug with Roadhog's model becoming distorted with some skins during the Heroic Highlight intro.
  • Fixed a bug with Pig Pen displaying a Junkrat icon when pinged.


  • Fixed an interaction that prevented Hack from being interrupted by Rocket Punch or Shield Bash.
  • Fixed a bug where Sombra would enter Stealth while escorting the robot in some situations.


  • Fixed a bug with disabling the Interact Cancel Deploy Turret setting causing you to only destroy a deployed turret and not toss out a new one when the ability is used.


  • Fixed a bug with Primal Rage that interrupted the ability to attack if the Ultimate was initiated while Jumping and using Melee at the same time.


  • Golden weapon tint should now properly be reflected on all skins.

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Overwatch Patch Notes (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Views: 5757

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.