General election Q&A: Do you have a question for our Political Correspondent and Columnist? (2024)

Table of Contents
Thank you for all of your questions Are women less likely to vote for Farage or Sunak than Starmer? Why? Should there be a minimum age requirement for political constituency candidates? Does a Labour government with a super majority have much more of an impact? Could a Labour government raid our pension pots? Would Nigel Farage take over a merged Reform and Conservative Party? What are the chances of Momentum and the trade unions turfing Keir Starmer out? How will Labour achieve economic growth? How fierce will the One Nation resistance be to Kemi Badenoch after the destruction of the election? Have any of the parties considered reducing the public sector? How will the Tory party fare after the election? Will organisations that have been critical of the Conservatives be as critical of Labour? How accurate are the pollsters? Does anyone wonder what happened in five years to the stadium-loads of Momentum voters? Would the Tories and Reform form a coalition if the Lib Dems become the second-largest party? What can we expect from the NHS under Sir Keir Starmer? Why did the Tory Party abandon their 2019 Manifesto and betray voters on migration? Why are we hearing so little about the threat of the Lib Dems? Why isn’t the Government creating more opportunities for me to teach apprentices? Should the polls’ flaws be more clearly laid out? Should I not vote if no party aligns with my values? What is to stop Labour from applying VAT to university tuition? Why can’t anyone stop the boats? What are the chances of Starmer bringing in PR? Who would replace Rishi Sunak? Can we trust the polls? Do you think the rise of Reform will increase the chances of a ‘coalition’ of the like-minded that pushes for proportional representation? Is a vote for Reform a wasted vote? Will Labour make concerted attempts to get the UK back into the EU? Q&A is starting in 30 minutes

Thank you for all of your questions

That’s all for today’s Q&A. Thanks to those of you who sent in a question and apologies if you did not get an answer to your question this time. Fear not, if you’ve got a question that hasn’t been answered, you can send it to or comment at the bottom of this article and we will try and get it answered for you.

In the meantime, prepare for the election with essential dispatches direct from Westminster by signing up to The Telegraph Politics Newsletter.

Are women less likely to vote for Farage or Sunak than Starmer? Why?

And our final question today.

John A. asks: “We have seen demographics data on so many groups and even discussed them here in the DT: Muslim vote, youth vote, pensioner vote etc. I can’t seem to find much discussion on the female vote.

“In the US, there is a lot of analysis on how certain suburban women dislike Trump, for example. I suspect women will be more likely to vote Starmer than Farage or Sunak. If this is true, why is that?”

Tim responds: “The latest RW&S poll says: ‘Labour enjoys a 20-point lead over the Conservatives among men and a 23-point lead among women.’ So there is a difference, but it’s not huge.

“Historically, women have tended to be more conservative than men. That began to change in the 1990s-2000s. Reasons might include the decline of organised labour (for men) and the rise of cultural issues for women.”

Should there be a minimum age requirement for political constituency candidates?

Here’s the penultimate question, from Pete.

He queries: “Should there be a minimum age requirement for political constituency candidates, perhaps to give them a chance to ‘grow up’ and gain a bit more life experience first?”

Tim replies: “Ideally a minimum age for MPs and a maximum age for US presidents.”

Does a Labour government with a super majority have much more of an impact?

Naomi asks: “People keep talking about a super majority, but what difference does it make? Labour can push everything through with a majority of 100, 200, 300 – it doesn’t change anything does it?”

Tim responds: “It can do, but given the choice is between a Labour majority of 100 or 300 - beyond 100, no.

“Were Labour under, say, 40 - there’s more chance of rebellion and softening of policy. For example, Labour’s majority of 4 in 1964 delayed steel nationalisation. But we’re way beyond that.”

Could a Labour government raid our pension pots?

Helen would like to know: “My husband and I have contributed to pensions all our working lives. Could a Labour government raid our pension pots, and, if so, how would they do this?”

Dom says: “With perfect timing, our Money team took a look at this yesterday – Labour’s plans to force pension funds to switch investments to Britain means retirees stand to lose thousands.”

Would Nigel Farage take over a merged Reform and Conservative Party?

Now, a query on a Reform/Tory merger.

Dave questions: “Do you think Nigel Farage can take over a merged Reform/Tory Party if Reform win 18 seats (as the latest MRP poll suggests), or would he try to encourage mass defections to Reform after the election instead?”

Tim replies: “I don’t believe the Tories would ever let him in, if he even wanted to join. They know that once he’s inside the tent, it becomes his party - and he’ll expect to lead it. The situation is analogous to Trump in the US.”

What are the chances of Momentum and the trade unions turfing Keir Starmer out?

Is Keir Starmer under threat from the trade unions and Momentum? One reader wants to know.

Andrew says: “What are the chances of Momentum and the trade unions getting together to turf Starmer out, and get a hard Left PM elected to replace him?”

Dom responds: “Very slim. One of the defining achievements of Starmer’s time as opposition leader has been remaking the party in his own image - Momentum only has a fraction of the influence it did under Corbyn, and only a few dozen Labour MPs will be hard-Left. As for the unions, we can expect plenty of back-and-forth between the likes of Unite and the leadership, but they will be far more inclined to try to influence and pressure Starmer than to replace him, not least without any obvious alternatives.”

How will Labour achieve economic growth?

A question on the economy now.

Richard says: “Starmer keeps saying he wants economic growth but there is nothing in the manifesto that shows how it can achieved? Isn’t Labour taxation and spending is likely to stifle growth rather than stimulate it.”

Dom replies: “This has been one of the main criticisms of the Labour manifesto - and while party bosses are convinced Great British Energy and billions in private investment will get growth going, it is telling that some economists fear stagnation is the most likely end result.”

How fierce will the One Nation resistance be to Kemi Badenoch after the destruction of the election?

Another question from John.

John asks: “How fierce will the One Nation resistance be to Kemi Badenoch after the destruction of the election?”

Tim responds: “I sense Kemi is the Right-wing candidate they least dislike. But a civil war is coming...”

Dom weighs in: “The likely battle for the soul of the Tory Party is likely to be a brutal one, and while One Nation MPs are more averse to the likes of Suella Braverman and Robert Jenrick, they’ll still be keen to try to keep Kemi off the all-important ballot of Tory members. Of course, so much depends on the makeup of the remaining parliamentary party, and whether the numbers benefit the Tory Right or the centrist wing of the party.”

Have any of the parties considered reducing the public sector?

Mark would like to know: “Have any of the parties even considered reducing the size of the public sector – trying to do less and do it better?”

Tim responds: “It should be smaller and stronger, efficient and strategic. Instead Starmer wants supervised teeth brushing in schools…”

How will the Tory party fare after the election?

John A. asks: “How fierce will the One Nation resistance be to Kemi Badenoch after the destruction of the election?”

Tim answers: “I sense Kemi is the rightwing candidate they least dislike. But a civil war is coming…”

And Dom replies: “The likely battle for the soul of the Tory Party is likely to be a brutal one, and while One Nation MPs are more averse to the likes of Suella Braverman and Robert Jenrick, they’ll still be keen to try to keep Kemi off the all-important ballot of Tory members. Of course, so much depends on the makeup of the remaining parliamentary party, and whether the numbers benefit the Tory Right or the centrist wing of the party.”

Will organisations that have been critical of the Conservatives be as critical of Labour?

John says: “Do you guys think the OBR, ONS, BoE, OSR, IFS, and the myriad of other Tory critical organisations will be as critical of Starmer when he gets in?”

Dom says: “We will have to see. For its part, the IFS certainly hasn’t held back in its assessment of the Labour manifesto, accusing the party of the same financial “black hole” it identified in the Tory dossier. But Labour’s wider economic offer, complete with its fiscal rules and “securonomics” buzzword, is obviously fairly close to a lot of the existing orthodoxy.

Tim responds: “The IFS has been highly critical, to be fair. The OBR and BofE are really “book balancing” institutions that approve of low spending, high taxing with growth projections that, unsurprisingly, flat lined. Just as amusing as Labour falling out with these agencies will be the Tories deciding they are spot on - and quoting their figures daily.”

How accurate are the pollsters?

Back to the seemingly hot topic of the polls...

Adrian questions: “Have the pollsters got it about right? Big egg on their face if they haven’t.”

Dom responds: “All the polls are in a pretty similar place - a big or even huge Labour majority, Tories reduced to the low-hundreds or high double figures and the SNP virtually wiped out in Scotland compared to the last election. The polls were pretty much bang on last time, although it is obviously worth noting they have been wrong before! (Brexit and Trump).”

Does anyone wonder what happened in five years to the stadium-loads of Momentum voters?

Anonymous questions: Does anyone wonder what happened in five years to the stadium-loads of Momentum voters who surely couldn’t countenance voting for an establishment product like Starmer who has ousted the Left of the party and stabbed Corbyn firmly in the back?

Tim replies: “Some grew up; many have gone Green. I think in five years time, when the Starmer bubble is burst, Green will do to Labour what Reform is doing to the Tories. Keir’s vote is purely an anti-Tory one (and it might not top 40 per cent).

Would the Tories and Reform form a coalition if the Lib Dems become the second-largest party?

Another query about the Liberal Democrats.

Gary is curious to know: “If the Lib Dems become the second-largest party in Parliament, could the Tories and Reform form a coalition opposition to become the official opposition?”

Dom responds: “In such a scenario, the Lib Dems would become the official opposition regardless. It would be fascinating to see whether the Tories and Reform could put aside all of their bad blood during this campaign when it came to opposing a future Labour government. But if Sir Ed Davey’s party springs a surprise and wins the second-largest number of seats, it would be Davey as Leader of the Opposition, with the Right effectively in political exile.”

What can we expect from the NHS under Sir Keir Starmer?

Now, David wants to know more about the Labour leader’s position on healthcare.

He asks: “What does Keir Starmer’s hypothetical refusal to use private healthcare for his children should they fall seriously ill, tell us about what kind of man he is and what we can expect for the NHS?”

Tim replies: “I find it bizarre. When he first answered the question by saying he’d never use private health, I thought he meant “I’d prefer not to” - which is how many people feel. But he’s doubled-down: no queue-jumping for Keir. Yet, when you use private medicine, you’re not. You’re leaving the queue, freeing up resources for someone else.

“Some voters find his position honourable, but it seems inhuman to me. Of course, I paid for my mother to get private treatment recently - she faced a waiting list of months. I’ve paid for the NHS through my taxes; I’m not depriving anyone of anything.”

Why did the Tory Party abandon their 2019 Manifesto and betray voters on migration?

Now for a question from Jennifer.

Jennifer asks: “Why did the Tory Party abandon their 2019 Manifesto and betray voters on migration? If the Conservatives had relaunched it for this election and given a cast iron guarantee they would enact it, I would think twice at voting Reform.”

Tim answers: “History and error. 1. We let in vast numbers from Hong Kong and Ukraine. These were one-off events, like Amin’s expulsion of Ugandan Asians, that the UK felt it had to say ‘yes’ to. 2. Boris and Rishi co*cked up the post-EU visa scheme. They made it far too easy to get one, plus dependents. The Tories have slowly tightened the regime under Rishi.

“It’s up to you to conclude whether these were genuine mistakes or betray a liberal attitude towards immigration.”

Why are we hearing so little about the threat of the Lib Dems?

An interesting one now, from M. Gadd.

M. Gadd says: “We are hearing very little about the threat of the Lib Dems. I have thought all along that they are going to be the surprise of this election, at least in the south and west and their policies are terrible. It would be like re-electing the Tories.”

Dom replies: “The fact the Lib Dems are basically still where they were in the opinion polls five years ago will go down as one of the curiosities of the last parliament. Labour and now Reform have tapped into public anger with the Government far more effectively. But as you say, there is every chance of a surprise, especially in traditional Tory ‘Blue Wall’ heartlands where there has been a lot of residual anger since the latter half of Boris Johnson’s tenure.”

Tim weighs in: “We’ve all taken our eye off the Lib Dems, largely because of Reform. If the polls are right, they could be in opposition or close. Reform enjoys big poll numbers; the Lib Dems, with a serious activist base, controls actual seats.”

Why isn’t the Government creating more opportunities for me to teach apprentices?

A great question from Gilbert (Gil) now.

Gil shares: “I’m a 66-year-old electrician,50 years a spark! Why is the government letting people like me retire without passing on all of the experience I have. Trades are calling out for apprentices, keep going and there will be no one left to teach them. I would quite happily give a year to teach, and I’m quite sure most tradesmen would. Not school stuff, practical on the job.”

Dom replies: “Not a bad idea at all Gil – both Labour and the Tories are making much of apprenticeships, but as you say there are plenty of practical improvements that could, and perhaps should, be made further down the line.”

Should the polls’ flaws be more clearly laid out?

Next up, another question on the election polls.

Marcus writes: “Given the power of persuasion that polls could have, do you think their methodological flaws should be more clearly laid out, e.g. not factoring in the brand strength and profile of a given candidate and/or local activity? More widely, should they be ‘regulated’ in some manner, or is it OK for research firms to police themselves?”

Tim answers: “I wouldn’t want to see any regulation; I think we should all focus on the campaigns rather than the polls. I do think some are plainly in error. Am I to believe Suella B will lose to Reform? That Corbyn is so far behind in North Islington? One poll put Jezza on about 0.5 per cent, because the AI thought he was a random independent. I genuinely believe a non-entity Tory will face a tougher fight than a celeb, like Jacob RM. I went around Somerset with Jacob; they love him.”

Should I not vote if no party aligns with my values?

Dan wants some advice.

Dan says: “I don’t think any party aligns with my values (honesty, common decency etc.) Should I not vote or should I write ‘none of the above’ on my ballot or something else?”

Tim responds: “I wouldn’t blame you if you did: I’ve done it several times before, typically in council elections where I face a two party choice. This time I do have a compelling ‘none of the above’ offer though - Reform or SDP.”

What is to stop Labour from applying VAT to university tuition?

Brendan says: “Given that VAT will be applied to school fees, what is to stop Labour from applying this to university tuition fees?”

Tim replies: “That doesn’t sound like a bad idea! The contradiction surely exposes what’s really behind this: Labour hates private schools and, unable to ban them, will simply tax them to the point of largely serving the ultra-rich. It loves unis, by contrast. Factories of wokery etc.”

Why can’t anyone stop the boats?

A question on immigration from R. Barclay.

R.Barclay asks: “Why can’t anyone stop the people on boats escaping France?

Tim responds: “The question that no one seems able to answer. Labour says the answer is enforcement and cooperation, but this is expensive and plainly not working. The Tories say it’s having a deterrent, but they won’t pull out of the conventions holding us back – and it’s unclear what good Rwanda will do.

“The alternatives are straightforward return, as with Albania – but this only works when there’s no human rights issues in that nation – or third party processing, which Labour dabbled with in the 2000s. What remains a mystery to me is why the UK government cannot simply pick people up and fly them straight back to France. A Le Pen government, of course, would like this even less than Macron. Sorry there’s no straight answer - but until we repulse, as Greece has done with horrific consequences, it seems they’ll keep coming.”

What are the chances of Starmer bringing in PR?

Now, John wants to know if Sir Keir will bring in PR.

John asks: “What are the chances of Starmer bringing in PR? Is there any party that champions the idea?”

Dom answers: “Starmer ruled it out yesterday – and if the polls are anywhere near correct, I suspect he will not want to do anything to undercut what is projected to be a significant majority. While it may have been in Labour’s interests three or four years ago, it would be a surprise if he changed the voting system as his party finally gets the keys to No 10 back.”

Who would replace Rishi Sunak?

Next up, a reader wants to know in the event who would replace Rishi Sunak?

Gaynor writes: “In the event that the Conservatives are defeated and Rishi Sunak resigns or faces a leadership challenge, who would most likely replace him?”

Tim replies: “What all Tory leadership hopefuls say is: it depends on how many MPs they are left with, and who they are. If the Tories hold over 200 seats, Jacob Rees-Mogg or Penny Mordant might be in play. Around 150, Kemi is strong. If they are down to 50, even Suella Braverman could be out of contention. The likely candidates with the safest seats are Tom Tugendhat and James Cleverly.”

Can we trust the polls?

Alex has a question on polls for Dominic.

Alex wants to know: “Can we trust the polls? Starmer is no Tony Blair. Could the poll results for Labour be artificially high? Could it be that they’re a mile wide and an inch deep? It seems to be the case that it’s more anger and upset at the current government, rather than people being desperate for a Labour government like they were in 1997?”

Dom responds: “Anger at the current government is definitely a factor in the size of the Labour lead. The polls proved pretty accurate at the last general election, and as things stand there is nothing to suggest that will be any different. I would add the health warning that the polls have, of course, been wrong before, not least in failing to predict the Brexit and Trump victories.

“You might be interested in the thoughts of Roger Parry, a former YouGov chairman, who this month set out how Starmer is no heir to Blair, and explored why there seems to be much less enthusiasm for Labour now than when a “new dawn” was breaking 27 years ago.”

Do you think the rise of Reform will increase the chances of a ‘coalition’ of the like-minded that pushes for proportional representation?

Now for one from David.

David’s question: “Do you think the rise of Reform - and what will look like millions of wasted votes as compared to seats - will increase the chances of a ‘coalition’ of the like-minded that pushes for proportional representation? Or does Nigel Farage really want to hold out for the prospect of absolute power that comes with first-past-the-post?”

Dom says: “Farage definitely sees Reform as a six-year project, and fancies his chances as a prime ministerial candidate at the 2029 general election.

“But that won’t stop him banging the drum for proportional representation, and if we end up with a lopsided result – in which Labour’s share of seats is significantly higher than its share of the vote, and Reform wins millions of votes but only a handful of seats – expect cross-party campaigning to crank up a notch.”

Is a vote for Reform a wasted vote?

A question on Reform for Tim.

John asks: “Even though I support Reform’s pledges, is a vote for Reform a wasted vote?”

Tim replies: “I’d say it depends what you want to achieve John, and where you live. If the latest MRP poll is correct, there are about 18 seats where Reform could win - so voting for them there makes sense. If you are worried about a Labour majority, elsewhere they might cost a good Tory their seat. Ultimately, no vote is wasted. It’s the fear that one is “letting the rotters in” that keeps us voting for the “less bad” option, and thus winding up with a Parliament full of MPs who don’t agree with us on anything! I’m sick of it.”

Will Labour make concerted attempts to get the UK back into the EU?

First up is a question from Patrick on the future of Brexit under a Labour government.

Patrick asks: “Will Labour make concerted attempts to get the UK back into the EU, therefore being a total betrayal of the democratic majority that voted to leave the UK?”

Dom responds: “It’s safe to say Labour has been on a journey on Brexit since Sir Keir Starmer – the shadow Brexit secretary under Jeremy Corbyn – was leading calls for a second EU referendum.

“A parliament later, however, Labour has been crystal clear that rejoining the European Union, single market and customs union are all off the table. What Starmer’s party does want, however, is a closer relationship with Brussels and to rewrite the existing Brexit deal.”

Q&A is starting in 30 minutes

Hello all. This Q&A will be getting underway in just 30 minutes. Our Political Correspondent, Dominic Penna, and columnist, Tim Stanley, are on hand to answer your questions ahead of the general election on Thursday July 4.

Please leave your questions in the comments section below for our writers to answer.

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General election Q&A: Do you have a question for our Political Correspondent and Columnist? (2024)
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