ESO Imperial City Beginner Guide (2024)

Youcan enter the Imperial City via the Alliance War menu ingame (defaultL). The Imperial City is a separate area now listed underneath Cyrodiiland any player can join the campaign focused on it. There are noLeaderboards associated with this Campaign, including Emperorship, whichmeans that there will be no rewards other than what you can alreadyreceive in the Imperial City. There is also the option to play theImperial City without Champion Points, which means that all ChampionPoints abilities are disabled. You can either double click on thecampaign, or press E while hovering over it. After this you will beteleported into your Alliance base, where you can find several vendors, abank and ladders leading upstairs into the Imperial City itself.

First off, any player can join any of the campaigns, but while therearen’t any specific bonuses to the different campaigns, there are stillsome major differences. In the Champion Point campaign, you will haveall your Champion Points enabled, which means that, depending on theamount, you are more or less protected, will do more or less damage andcan utilize your resources more or less well. This also applies to yourenemy players, of course. So if you aren’t very high in Champion Pointsyou will be more vulnerable than a player of a higher CP level and youmight find it harder to kill these. In the non CP campaign, all ChampionPoints are deactivated.None of the bonuses will be applied toyour character and also not to enemy players. This changes the gameimmensely, as all NPC encounters will be a lot harder and it will be aquite different approach to kill or survive enemy players. On the plusside, this evens the battlefield and someone that doesn’t have manyChampion Points can play with players that are already maxed out andhave a fair chance against their opponent. It is also worth mentioningthatsiege weapons don’t workin the Imperial City.


There are different activities such as playing in the Districts, Sewers or the Dungeons.


Since the Imperial City has two separate areas, the surface is made outof 6 districts. They are now a bloody battlefield that was once made upout of residential and commercial areas, offering both PvE and PvPbattles. A PvP capture point per district is located at the bridgeleading to the gates of the Palace District that is not accessible andowning all of these offers a Tel Var collection bonus to the factionthat holds all of these. Owning one control point of a district willincrease the amount of Tel Var Stones earned by 33% increase and adds upto 198% if one alliance controls all districts. Much like “Capturingthe Flag” or taking possession of a flag in Cyrodiil, you takepossession of a District by holding the capture point after killing theNPC guards. Upon taking over the district, soldiers of your own factionwill spawn and help you in defending the district.Even PvEquests are available, one story quest per district, and one repeatabledaily quest if the story quest has been completed. Additionally, one oftwo mini-bosses will spawn in each district, so called "PatrollingHorrors". Like the other monsters roaming the city they will drop TelVar Stones, only in quite a huge amount. Per district there will also beportals to Coldharbour that spawn a wave of Daedra and reward you withTel Var, experience and random items. Each district also offers a TrophyVault

which you can open with 60 Key Fragments. You can find these Key Fragments from all enemies at a low chance, and from a Patrolling Horror as a guaranteed drop. Same goes for the dungeon bosses and enemies. These will open up to different gear that you can be rewarded with, as well as jewelry and Tel Var stones.


The Sewers span beneath the Imperial City and are like a city ofitself, offering different vendors and a bank in the starting area ofyour alliance, and spanning several rooms until the final endroom, inwhich Molag Bal and his elite force of Daedra spawn. If it weren’t forthe PvP aspect, you could very much compare it to a Public Dungeon aswell, as it contains a lot of Daedra mobs that you can kill, which giveyou XP and Tel Var in return. There are several events, like portalsthat spawn and upon killing the enemies will contain a reward. It iswhere you first land upon entering the Imperial City campaign, in youralliance’s base. This safe zone contains ladders leading up to theImperial City districts, to rally points that are also safe points. Upondying you will spawn there and can go back down to the Imperial Citysewers. Else you can only return through the Sewers themselves.

AldmeriDomion players start out in the right corner of the Sewers, EbonheartPact members on the left side and Daggerfall Covenant alliance playersin the northern corner. From there pathways branches out, containingfour group boss champions that are really hard to kill and that patrolthe sewers, two district ladders and a total of seven Skyshards. Fromhere you can access the White Gold Tower Dungeon, too. At its center,the ghostly aspect of Molag Bal spawns periodically, after havingdefeated the three portal bosses. He can drop various rewards, amongthose the rareSoul Shriven Skinandthe Stonefire Scamp pet. Only twelve players can loot Molag Bal, whichis usually determined by who deals the most damage. It is advisable tobring at least one tank and a healer with you, as all encounters deal alot of damage and enemy players could always linger around, too, tryingto hinder you from getting your loot, or even the kill.

If youdie, you have to respawn in your base if no one can resurrect you, sokeep that in mind before approaching this encounter. Surrounding thecenter, there are also portals that can be closed while waiting forMolag Bal. Upon closing these, a chest will spawn containing Tel Var,random loot and style Motif pages. If you are really lucky, you willcome across a Scamp that has the chance of carrying a lot of Tel Var… oreven just a few. Regardless, it’s a very lucky chance to find any ofthese, but can also be quite dangerous, as it will probably draw in alot of other enemies while you chase it down. If you can’t kill it intime, it will simply teleport away.


There are two dungeons available with the Imperial City: The White GoldTower and Imperial City Prison Dungeon. The White Gold Tower has beenthe symbol of the Empires of Cyrodiil for a long time, and a focus ofmystic power by the Ayleids before that, and is now the show down of oneof Molag Bal’s generals, threatening to be drawn into Coldharbour. Itcan be accessed through the Imperial City Sewers or the Dungeon Finder,and is available in both normal and veteran difficulty. At the end youwill have to face Molag Kena, that will also drop her ownMonster Set Mask.The Imperial City Prison can be accessed either in the northernMemorial District in the Imperial City, or through the Dungeon Finder.Within you find the prison of the Imperial City, a place full of Daedraand Undead, hiding a secret that Molag Bal is digging for. At the endthe Lord Warden is waiting for you, dropping its respectiveMonster Set Mask.In both dungeons you get access to a Trophy Vault , which will need 150key fragments to be opened. These key fragments drop from a number ofoccasions, but most frequently from bosses throughout the Imperial Cityand its dungeons. In these vaults you will receive a random gear rewardfrom the dungeon, plus some Tel Var and jewelry.

Tel Var and Multipliers

Tel Var are stones thatthe Ayleids used to build the White Gold Tower with and which arebelieved to contain the essence of Creation itself. Nowadays they areused as a currency and can be traded in for a variety of items. You canexchange them for 6 different gear sets, lockboxes filled with randomitems, teleportation stones that will bring you back to your Alliance’sbase from any place in the Imperial City, Crafting resources, housingitems, Polymorphs and other useful things. Everywhere inside theImperial City and the Sewers you can collect these, just not in thedungeons. You can either collect them from NPC enemies or players thatyou kill. Carrying Tel Var will expose you to the same danger though oflosing them, as every death will reduce these by half of what you werecarrying around with you, so 50%. There will be multiplier in place tomake it easier for you to gain even more, but you need to carry theseamount of stones on you in order for the multipliers to work:

Amount of StonesMultiplierAmount you loot from monsters

This multiplier applies when you kill a monster solo (not player). If you kill it in a group, these get shared between all players in relatively equal shares. The distribution of uneven numbers is random. If you die to a monster, you will lose half of what you were carrying with you, same as when dying to a player. But this only applies to the Imperial City and Sewers, not to the dungeons or any other place outside of the Imperial City. You can store all your Tel Var in the bank, same as you can store your money. Just choose Tel Var instead of the ingame gold currency.

What to buy with Tel Var?

Thereare five different vendors in your Alliance base which exchange Tel Varfor goods. They are the First Armor vendor, the Second Armor vendor,Equipment Lockbox vendor, General Merchant and Jewelry Merchant. You canfind them in your Alliance's base in one of the siderooms. Depending onyour Alliance, the names vary, of course, and additionally to thevendors you will also find an Outfit station, as well as a Cooking Fire.TheFirst Armorer vendor sells these set pieces with the Impenetrabletrait: Powerful Assault, Shield Breaker, Meritorious Service, Reactive,Phoenix and Black Rose (5000 Tel Var each)The SecondArmorer vendor sells these set pieces with the Impenetrable trait:Imperial Physique, Harbinger, Galerion and Vicecanon (5000 Tel Var each)TheEquipment Lockbox vendor sells these items, with a chance of gettingany set piece from the box: Black Rose Equipment Box, Galerion’s RevengeEquipment Box, Imperial Physique Equipment Box, Meteritorious ServiceEquipment Box, Phoenix Equipment Box, Powerful Assault Equipment Box,Reactive Armor Equipment Box, Shield Breaker Equipment Box, Thews of theHarbinger Equipment Box, Vicecanon of Venom Equipment Box (3000 Tel Vareach)The General Merchant sells these items for variousdifferent prices: Alkahest, Ancestor Silk, Charcoal of Remorse, DragonScute, Hakeijo, Itade, Jehade, Lorkhan’s Tears, Platinum Ounce, Rejera,Repora, Rubedite Ingot, Rubedo Leather, Runebox: Xivkyn Augur, Runebox:Xivkyn Dreadguard, Runebox: Xivkyn Tormentor, Sanded Ruby Ash, Siege ofCyrodiil Recognition, Siege of Cyrodiil Recommendation, Sigil ofImperial Retreat, Soul Gem, Storage Chest (Fortified), Storage Chest(Oaken), Storage Chest (Secure), Storage Chest (Sturdy), Storage Coffer(Oaken), Storage Coffer (Secure), Storage Coffer (Sturdy), SuperbImperial Reward and Waxed Apothecary’s Parcel.The JewelryMerchant sells these item sets in Legendary quality as rings andnecklaces: Galerion, Imperial Physique, Meritorious Service, Black Rose,Harbinger, Phoenix, Powerful Assault, Shield Breaker, Reactive,Vicecanon (100000 Tel Var each)

Sets in Imperial City Sewers Alliance Base

You can acquire 10 item sets in the Imperial City Sewers Alliance base, which are the following:

  1. Imperial City Sewers Sets
  2. Black Rose
  3. Galerion's Revenge
  4. Imperial Physique
  5. Meritorious Service
  6. Phoenix
  7. Powerful Assault
  8. Reactive Armor
  9. Shield Breaker
  10. Thews of the Harbinger
  11. Vicecanon of Venom

The Imperial Physique Set

TheImperial PhysiqueSetgets a separate mentioning because it will give you additional benefitswhen farming Tel Var stones. Not only do all of your primary stats getincreased, you will also increase the effect of the 4x multiplier forTel Var stones by 600%! This is why it’s a really good set for farming.The only downside to this is that you light up like a beacon, showingfriend and foe alike that you are carrying at least 10000 Tel Varstones.

Crafted Sets

There are also three crafted sets available in the dangers of the Imperial City above the sewers. These are the following:

NameTraits you need to know
Armor Master9 Traits
Noble's Conquest5 Traits
Redistributor7 Traits

Key Fragments

Asmentioned before, Key Fragments play an essential role when wanting toacquire specific sets. In each of the Imperial City districts you findvaults in which you can acquire these sets with Key Fragments ascurrency, as well as in the two dungeons. You need 60 to open the cityTrophy Vaults , whereas you need 150 to open those inside the dungeons.These are the following:

AgilityClawed/Monstrous Tooth Trophy VaultThree Piece
EnduranceLegionary/Planar Armor Trophy VaultThree Piece
WillpowerBone Shard/Vault Ethereal Trophy VaultThree Piece
Brands of ImperiumWhite Gold TowerHeavy Armor
Essence ThiefWhite Gold TowerMedium Armor
Spell Power CureWhite Gold TowerLight Armor
Leeching PlateImperial City PrisonHeavy Armor
Sheer VenomImperial City PrisonMedium Armor
Scathing MageImperial City PrisonLight Armor

Monster Sets

In the Imperial City you can also get MonsterSets. The bosses inside the sewers will now drop Monster Masks andthere's a Tel'Var Merchant that will sell you coffers with randomizedshoulders of the set. The shoulders can be any weight and have anytrait. This is a current list of all sets available.

Set (Shoulder)LocationType
Baron ThirskSewers Alliance BaseTwo Piece
Glorgoloch the DestroyerSewers Alliance BaseTwo Piece
Immolator CharrSewers Alliance BaseTwo Piece
Lady MalygdaSewers Alliance BaseTwo Piece
NunatakSewers Alliance BaseTwo Piece
Zoal the Ever-WakefulSewers Alliance BaseTwo Piece

Story Quests

  • City on the Brink: Report to an Alliance General for a briefing on the struggle for power in the Imperial City. (All alliances)
  • Knowledge is Power:Recover an ancient tome from the Daedra and assist in its translation.
  • Of Brands and Bones:Convince a skeleton to reveal the Worm Cult's excavation plans.
  • The Bleeding Temple:Rescue the priests of the Imperial clergy from the Daedra.
  • The Lock and the Legion:Liaise with an Imperial captain who has infiltrated Legion Zero.
  • The Imperial Standard:Defend a garrison from the forces of Molag Bal.
  • The Sublime Brazier:Put an end to Molag Bal's plot in the Imperial City.
  • The Watcher in the Walls:Turn the tables on the Daedra in the Imperial Arena.

District Quests

  • Dousing the Fires of Industry:Halt Legion Zero's production of siege weaponry.
  • Historical Accuracy:Help an archivist preserve Imperial documents.
  • Priceless Treasures:Place a ward on the Temple of the One's treasured artifacts.
  • Speaking for the Dead:Create an undead spy network to keep an eye on the Worm Cultists.
  • The Lifeblood of an Empire:Rescue Imperial citizens from the Daedra.
  • Watch your Steps:Set traps for Ogrim in the Nobles District.

Scouting Quests

• Scouting the Arboretum (Arena District, Elven Gardens, Memorial District, Nobles District, Temple District): Scout and secure the Arboretum (Arena District, Elven Gardens, Memorial District, Nobles District, Temple District) rally point.

Dungeon Quests

  • Planemeld Obverse:Fulfill the prophecy of the Elder Scrolls by freeing the White Gold Tower from Coldharbour's clutches.
  • Summary Execution:Aid Lyranth on her path to vengeance and liberate some lost souls along the way.
  • Pledge:White Gold Tower: Prove you are truly Undaunted by freeing the White Gold Tower.
  • Pledge:Imperial City Prison: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Imperial City Prison.
ESO Imperial City Beginner Guide (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.