Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)

ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY APRIL 29, 1908. Another Appeal Made to Public Service Board in Interest of Patrons of Manitou Trolley Line BATTLE TO OUST CORNERS ET Al. TO WAGE WAR AGAINST MURPHY AND HIS LIEUTENANTS. JOKER SPRUNG ON ALDERMEN SUNDAY AMUSEMENT LAW REPEALED FOR AN HOUR. VotwithstaniliUi the order of the Public Service Commission to the.

Rochester, Charlotte Manitou railroad that the i. nut iii I'lmiiii Ion for the oliemtinn F. W. SMITH LEADS FIGHT HERE of curs within thirty days fr.mi April '-1t, Utica Conference Ordsrs General Attack on Murphy-Connera-Finu-cane-Gerllng Combine in Monroe County Fight at Fall Primaries BUT 'TWAS DISCOVERED Reconsidered and Shelved with Committee. itou road is in worse shape llntnvt was Ml that lime, that more work will be required to put it in proper condition and that so far as anyone has been able to obsei'Tii.

no work has been done by the comvanv on the truck. Mr. Mi liieriiey requests the commission to tind out if the company intends in gi)ii faith to have any work done nt the expirn-lioit of the thirty days granted by the coin-mission and state that it was because it was believed that the company bad no intention of making the improvements ordered that he asked the commission at the time of the hearing to have incorporated in the order a clause providing tliut plans and specifications of the proposed improvements be hied within leu days. This the roinmissiin did not do. residents along the route ot me rrmiey inn-have failed to observe signs of the promised improvements.

Members of the Manitou Bcndi Asswln-tioii yesterday called npn who appeared for the cottagers before the Public Service Commission, uml requested liini to take the unifier up Slid, If possiblbe, find out what could be done to hasten the reconstruction of the road. Mr. Mclnerney has addressed a letter to the commission in which he states that owing to the done by stnrnis the commission sat ill Rochester, the Man- There is a certainty that the Democratic factions iu the county ot Monroe as In all the other counties of the state will lock horns In a desperate struggle Fashions for the youivigsters at the primaries this fall, and the question will be Betlled as to whether Murphy and Conners, with Tammany Hall behind them, are to rule the state Democracy. Incidentally, the rule of Thomas W. Flnucans and Jacob Garl-lug, in Monroe, will be contested by the Ward-Tracy faction.

The decision to Join battle at the primaries with the Tammany forces was caused by the action of the New York convention, which was dominated by Murphy and Conners and their Last Saturday Democrats from all parts of the state held a conference at Utica to devise means of protesting effectively against such tactics and to take action looking to the purging of the party of such men as Murphy and Conners. Frederick W. Smith, of this city, who was a delegate to the state convention, was one of the man who attended the Utica conference. He wag made a mem her of the Executive Committee. Mr.

Smith said to a Democrat and Chron APPELATE DIVISION RULES IN FENN CASE Rumor That Order Is Affirmed, but Lawyers Say Not. It was reported yesterday that the Appellate Division of the Second Department, New York city, bad affirmed an order of examination of Albert 0. Fenu in the action brought by Julia Defeiulorf, one of the I', S. I. telephone losei.

(Mrs. Defeiulorf sought to obtain sufficient facts on which to base her complaint in an action against the directors of the company. The report of the affirmation of the order could not be verified. ,1. M.

E. O'tirady, attorney for Mrs; I ef etidnrf had received letter from Kl-bridge L. Adams, now in New York, to the effect that the Appellate Division had affirmed the order, but hud modified that part relating to Mr. Fenn's examination. Mr.

O'Uraily has written for a copy of the ruling. Porter M. French, of Salleriee. Bisseli, Taylor French, said yesterday afternoon that the report was erroneous. He said that the part of the order relating to Mr.

Kt)in's examimuion had not been affirmed a'l that Mr. Fenu would not have to appear before a referee. The application for the examination of Mr. Fenu was argued before Supreme Court Justice Carr, in Brooklyn, on January tit Mh. The action was brought against Mr.

Feun and several other directors of the I'. S. I. company. In his ruling Justice Carr held that Mr.

Fenu should be examined by Ileferee H. E. Pierce, in Rochester, and should il be shown that Mr. Feun represented the other defendants they too aliould submit to examination. Mr.

Feun asked the Appellate Division to set aside or reverse Justice Carr's ruling. icle reporter yesterday: "The conference will attempt to pro cure lglltion in the way of amendment to the primary law which will make that law apply to state conven tions and prevent the pitching of duly FIRST TAKEN UP IN CAUCUS Innocent Repealing Ordinance Introduced When No On Was Paying Attention and It Went Through Unanlmously-Action on Pavement Ordinances-Other Business For an hour and eight minutes last Bight Koebeater'a law against the Sunday theater was off the books. Then aomebody woke up. The Common Council repealed, by a joker ordinance known only to a few, the Sunday amusement law and repealed It by unanimous vote. Just before the meeting waa adjourend, the Joker was discovered, the vole was reconsidered aud the repealing ordinance referred to the Law Committee, which practically kills It.

Before the meeting the Democratic aldermen held a conference in the inner office of City Clerk Ward. It was then agreed that. Alderman Buckley, of the Eighteenth ward, was to introduce the repealing ordinance, it must be said in Justice to some of the Democrats that, they were opposed to this action, but they were apathetic In their opposition. In the course of the business of the open session later on Alderman Buckley duly introduced an ordinance formally repealing section 39 of the licensed occupations law. Not a Vote in Opposition.

Nothing in this ordinance indicated what section 39 was, and a'l the aldermen except Ward, Peck and Kiefer, who were absent, voted for the repeal. City Clerk Ward then went on with other business. Section 39 provides that "showmen shall not give any theatrical representation, circus or other shows on Corporation Counsel Webb later looked up the ordinance. In some way it got to Alderman Pavlour, of the Tweirth ward, what it was all about, and more than an hour after the repeal went into effect he moved to reconsider the vote. Alderman Paviour said that he had been recorded as voting aye on the repealing ordinance.

He said he did not know at the time what the ordinance was, but had found out that it related to Sunday amusements. He wished, therefore, to be recorded correctly and wanted the vote reconsidered. Alderman Stand was on his feet In an instant and said he would be ashamed of himself to acknowledge that he had been asleep wheu any ordinance of the council was passed. Alderman Pavlour insisted on his motion, and President Dwyer ruled thai of the Law Committee. It provides that where a man owns five dogs or more he may take out a kennel license for $10 and he will be entitled to as many tags as he has dogs, provided he pays 10 cents each for every tag over fifteen.

The first ordinances for improvements Included pavements for Evergreen and Tacoma streets. There was a large number of pavements in the Anal ordinances. When the ordinance for the paving of Meigs street, between East and Monroe avenues came up, Samuel B. Williams presented a petition designating resurfacing with madam as the kind of improvement to be made. Action was postponed to the next meeting.

Meigs street ordinances covering the roadway between Caroline and Linden streets and between Caroline and Rockingham streets were adopted. Other final ordinances adopted included pavements for Durgin alley, Andrews street, Albemarle street, Lans-dale, Pembroke and Nelson streets, Stewart and Winter streets extensions of Normandy, Woodbine and Warwick avenues. Flower City park, 71 uting-ton park, Hollister street pavements, Rutgers and Richard streets extensions were put over two weeks. Other finals were for sweeping and cleaning, flushing, sprinkling, care and embellishment of streets and cement walks. COUNnW.CT,U."iSTITUTE Rochester Workers Hare Prominant Part in Annual Meeting.

Nearly all of the thirty-five W. C. T. C. organizations in Monroe county were represented yesterday at the opening meeting of the annual institute in the Presbyterian Church at Webster.

Plana for raising a defense fund were discussed at the morning meeting, and the question of raising the riuea of the society from cents to was voted on. Out of seventeen unions voting, fourteen favored the nun Her amount. Mrs. J. H.

Stoody made an address of welcome at the afternoon meeting. In which she presented the needs of the Webster union. Mrs. Kftie M. Lambert responded.

Mrs. Lambert is leader of the institute. In a symposium. "Training for Character." Mrs. 0.

H. Harris discussed the import m-e of work as an element of character building. Mrs. Watt discussed Mrs. W.

L. elected delegates through the skylights and the seating of other men in their places, as has been done for the last few years in the Democratic state con ventions. Fight in Fall Primaries. "It was decided to go into the pri maries next fall and elect as many dele gates to the state convention as possible, and to see that such delegates are seated and retain their seats. "While there was some disposition to call another state convention and send contesting delegates to the nation al convention at Denver, the opinion All readers of the Democrat who wish a genuine spring treat especially parents who have boys aged two and a hulf to ten years are advised to see the charming exhibition of juvenile novelty euils now attracting so much attention at" the Union Clothing Company's store.

Above are shown two of the dainty new fashions for little folks but there are an many other new effects equally enjoyable, that it were useless to attempt to picture them here. It is claimed that this collection boys' and children's wearables surpasses even the spring displays of the leading stores in New York oily. of the majority was against Bucn a movement. It was thought that whatever movement was made should be made through party lines. "Tbe conference appointed a commit tee' composed of W.

G. Rice, of Albany county; M. Z. Haven, of Onondaga along Elmwood and Highland avenues Specialists In Umferwsar and HMisry. and a triangle at iiih.cim ur This also includes the bill carrying char-ter amendments.

It is expected, that the Common Council will pass ordinances for the improvement of Klmwood avenue, so Interesting News For Mothers In Children's Underwear ZIONISTS PLAN MASS MEETING Secretary of American Federation to Speak Here in June. One the most largely attended meetings of the Zinn Endeavor Society held ibis year was thai of Monday night at Wenuer's Hall. Nearly tilKl were present. Sawll Carson, supervixor of the Seventh ward, made an address on the necessity of the Zionist party fund. A report was given of the Scientific and Technical School of Palestine, following which a committee was appoiited to act with other societies ami tiie Kochester Council of Zionists in regard to the matter.

The following wri elected delegates to the national Zionist conveuliou to be held at Hoekaway: Miss A. Levin, I. Poener, A. Posuer and J. Z.

Hrevnan; alternates, H. II. Marks. M. Hoffenberg, J.

Posner and ,1. Kobfugel, The society. lias arranged for the following events: May titb. peilro, whist and dancing party at Wenner's Hall: May ITih, walk to tJleii Haven, and a mass meeting to be held early in June iu Convention Hall. It.

J. L. agues, secretary of the Federation of American Zionists, will speak at this meeting on the principles of Zionism. The Kochester Council of Zionists and various societies will co-operate in holding the mass meeting. The regular meetings of the society in the fjiture will he held at Kappaport's Hall the first and third Wednesdays of each mouth.

as to provide a boulevard cuiuiecniot Genesee Valley and Highland parka. NOTE SOLD F0R3 PER CENT Bids tor City Paper Show Normal Condition ol Money Market. Comptroller Pond yesterday afternoon received bids for $HsU city waterworks note for three months. The bids Howard, of this city. sil that thrift, industry, self-responsibility and temperate habits are necessary elements iu the development of character.

'Tbe Business Man and King Alcohol waa the subject of an address by Kev. Kraser Longford, of this city. The Loyal Temperance Leition gave a pretty exercise with several recitations and sonE. Mrs. W.

I), spoke on the temperance pledge as safeguard. There followed another svnipiisinni. The suhjen wns 'Work as an Element in Character Build-ins and Total Abstinence." and it was led bv Mrs. Lambert. At the sessions several musical selections were siveu.

the piano numbers by Miss Klsie Beers being particularly well received. The church was lastefuM.v decora ted. A musical programme is arranged for the meetings to-day. The session this morning will begin at :30 oVlo. BUSINESS BEFORE THE SURROGATE Molhr, you owe it lo yourselves to see our extraordinary offerings in Children's Underwear.

Children'i and Misses' Vesls, high and low necks, 4gm with and without sleeves, 2 to 16 years. IUC were: Bentley KslbHeiscli. Mil amount county, and Senator Patrick McCarren, of Kings county, to take up the question of securing the necessary legislation at the special session ot the Legislature. It was also decided to organize a General Committee composed of one member from each county with power to take steps to organize the voters so as to get effective work at Ibe fall primaries. "1 understand that the whole Monroe county delegation was counted as voting against McCarren in New York.

I know that at least four of the delegates were not present at the time they were countd as voting. One-Sided Affairs Now. "As a matter of fact, the slate convention should be governed Just the same as a local convention is governed by the primary law. At present tbe person in control of a state convention can exterminate the minority. We will try to control the next state convention against Conners and Murphy In the Interest of home rule.

It means that we will tight, these men in the primaries all over tbe state and elect delegates who are opposed to one-man power and who favor home rule within the Democratic party. "At the conference there were Bryan men, Johnson men and Gray men. but no word was spoken about candidates. That matter did not enter into the deliberations. All the persons at the conference were thoroughly indignant at the conduct of the last state convention.

"The Executive Committee is composed of Sheriff James Smith, of Krie; Colonel William C. Rice, of Albany; Charles F. Kattigan, of Cayuga; Frank 11. Mott, of Chautauqua; John Anderson, of Kssex: Patrick H.XlcCarren, of Kings: Fred W. Smith, of Monroe, and J.

D. of Oneida. This committee will hold a meeting in about two weeks, but the place of meeting has not been decided." Children's Knee and Ankle Length Drawers, plain and lace trim, 1 5c lo Ladies' Mercerized Vents, lace trim, in pink, blue and white, 50c value. 3 (or $1.00. Boys' and young-men's Coat Sweaters, value 50c, at Four Wills Admitted to Probate by Surrogate Brown.

Surrogate Brown yesterday admitted to probate the will of' Harriet A. Criswell. iVrsona! property is' left to two brothers, It. Criswell and K. Criswell: to iwn nephews.

John and William Criswell. an, I to graicliiiece. Myra Criswell, A i niece. He-vie Criswell. is mimed residuary legatee, receiving real estate valued nt PHI Rochester Underwear Store 82-84 Main Street East ON THE BMD8C Then 2430 Main i German Trinity Church Benefit.

I An entertainment was givn last night for the benefit of (ieruian Trinity Church, Child ami Wilder streets, unrtir the au-f spices ot the Men's Society. The principal purl of the programme was a concert; by the Fifty-fourth Heginient Baud. There were also a solo by Miss Anna Hussiinan, accompanied by Miss Amelia Hiissimaii, i and a recitation by Miss M. Nielsen. The i enlertainmeiit was given ill the auditorium 1 of the church, ami there was a large at-' tendance.

A committee of the Men's Society composed of Kev. Adolph Baltzer. John Trosi. tieorge F. Hoffman, John Seiler.

Cenrge Beishim tind Charles Dei-: singer had charge of arraiigeuieiiis, CIURT NEWS IN BRIEF. William l.avinge. charged with violation of the excise law. will be placed oil trial in County Court, before Judge Stephens, to-morrow morning. The largest calender ever prepared for a Trial Term of Supreme Court in Monroe county came from the printer yesterday for the May term.

There ate cases noticed for trial. Thomas Marshall, paroled on a burglary cbarge, was yesterday setitem ed by The will of August Hellting bequeaths to tbe widow. Kmuia Helbing. the entire estate, rallied at On her death the estate 'is to be divided among the five children. The will of Khn Craves waa admitted to probate.

Knos W. Craves, a sou. is named executor. The bulk of Hie estate, valued at about is left to (lie son, Knos. of personal property are made to relatives.

The will of Helen who die, April loth was admitted to probate. Two daughters L. May Taber and Alice ft. Miller are named as executors. Three dollars is left for the erection of a monument and small sums are given to relative.

The rest of the $11,000 estate ik shared bv the daughter. It in order. Reference to Law Committee. Alderman West miry contended that-the ordinance was a penal ordinance anyhow and under the rules of the council should first be considered by the Law Committee. Alderman Staud came back with the statement that an ordinance to repeal wasn't a penal ordinance in any sense.

president Dwyer put the question and the motion to reconsider was adopted by the following vote: Ajra-Aldi-rimMi Wesihnrv, Somorn. Qnin-Inn. KIiIit. Ha four, Kile. Allmeruili, Seiler, Simpson ft.

Nny Alitcnneii KwhIw Hi'inill. Furry. Casey. Xtmnl, Hnrkliw, (Icrliujt. Sclia effer.

S. Aldermen Krnt and Tracy had left the room whon this vote was taken. When the matter was before the council some time ago. Alderman Tracy vated for the onen Sunday, while Alderman Ernst, was against It In the form in which It was presented. Had they been present, therefore, their votes would not have changed the result.

On the announcement of. tbe result of the vote. Alderman Oerling moved reference of the repealing ordinance to the Law Committee, and It was so ordered without objection. Other Business Prosaic. The other business of the meeting was prosaic enough, although several Important matters were passed upon.

The Commissioner of Public Works was authorized to grant permits to Charles Walter to put a trap door In the sidewalk fh front of No. 119 Chatham street: to the Rochester German Insurance Company to construct an ireaway In Irving place; to the Hiram Sibley estate to maintain a showcase on the St. Paul street side of the Burke. Fits Simons. Hone Company building; to Frank Fisher to build an areawav at the southwest corner of Wilkins street and Joseph avenue.

The application of Paul Elliott to build an areawav at No. 3 Ontario street went over under the rules. Corporation Counsel vMib was directed to begin proceedings to compel the New York Central Buffalo, Rochester Pittsburg railroad companies to carry out their agreement with the city to construct a suhwav at Saxton street. This agreement was made In consideration of the city's clos-Jng West Maple and Silver streets, but nothing has been dune on the part of then railroads to carry out their part. By resolu Ion, the Board of Kstlmate and Apportionment WM requested to create the position of messenger to the Common Council.

6 of Safety Hfford and North Goodman streets. renew the city no for tmm the local Improvement fund On recommendation of the Finance Committee, the Commlnioner or Works was directed ,0 negot ale for two additional of shore of anadice lake AnJd.Tn! the ordi-waa-adonted, oa recommendation at 4 per Alliance Bank, alt at. t. per Fidelity Trust Company, all at 3 per Kochester Trust Company, all at 4.24 per Bond Goodwin, of New Vork, 3 1-2 per and $5 premium: (kddmaii. Sneli Company, 31-2 per cent, and $12.50 premium.

The sward wns made to the Fidelity Trust Company, of KuHiesrer. Its bid of .1 per cent, was the lowest received In four years. The Alliance Bank, another Rochester institution, had a bid that was hut slightly higher, .1.13 per cent. The Comptroller thinks that this indicates a gratifying condition of the money market, especially in Kochester. Have Your Eyes Been Swindled? If so, perhaps it would be a gesul plan to immediately consult some reputable optometrist, ami be positive that the glasses you are now wearing are best for your eyes.

So-called "rive-dollar glasses for one dollar" is simply catch to furnish you the poorest iialiiy glasses for as much tin can be swindled out of. Bargain glasses are not bargains, mid those who have been deceived now owe it to themselves, evn it then- pockefhooks have been defrauded, lo at least not allow their eyes to be the losers thereby. We have endeavored for the mutt ten years lo impress upon llie glnss-wcai'iug public of Uochcsler and vicinity the iui- porta nee, when in need of glasses, to have i it done right, bv reliable men. whose standing iu I lie community has already been proven by years of work to tbe glass-wearing public 111 the optical prof Vssioii ail over the country Uochcsler has always been point-1 ed out as a city which possesses some ot the most competent aud honorable men en- gaged in the practice of optometry iu ibe United Stales, whose advertisement. ability and methods can lie thoroughly relied upon.

Whatever we have done to assist In bringing this about has beeti with it deep sense of the responsibilities connected with the profession of optometry. In selecting us as your optometrist, you can rest assured that in all matters eon- nected with your eyes or your glasses, we shall continue to hold your eyesight tind our profession above selfish Interests, aud. wheu yon are in need of glasses they will be furnished at prices that are just and fair, to both you and ourselves. F.mpire Optical Clinton a venue south, op- posite Lyceum Theater. Some New Fashions.

Our suits and topcoats never look as though they were just clot hey are extremely lylish. Sample Clothing Store. 70 Clinton avenue north, opposite Masonb; Temple, one minute's walk from Main i Free Sample of Nukote, The furniture reiiewer, si J. Phelps', i 110-lull Slate trt. I $-2s PLANS OF SOCIETY OF ORLEANS Immigrants from Western County to Celebrate May 12th.

Residents of l.ocliesler who trace their lineage back to the county of Orleans, have recently formed the Society of Orleans. On a modes! scale Hie new organization is modeled after the Society of the Jeuesee, which dines sumptuously ill New York city every winter. Afier only a few months of grow ill the society numbers members. A larger representation trom Orleans comity should be enrolled, think the present members of the society, and to that end the officers have arranged for a dinner to be held May llilh. Tbe banquet, with a social gathering to proceed it, will be held at the clubhouse of the Pinnacle Keereatiou Club.

Clayton Bidleiiiau, president of the sis iety, is also nt the head of the F.ntertaiiiinciit Committee, which is making arrangements for the dinner. Dress Goods Sale BlacK and colored fabrics in the new stripes aud checKs. All new spring styles. Special County Judge Barhiie to serve two years in Auburn prison. Marshall was arrested for iutoxloatioii Sunday aud bis punishment followed.

RAIL CARRIERS SHIFTED AGAIN All Their Desks on Main Floor of Postoffice Once More. a putre Bun aiitt WhU t.liMU ml, torn) 'vulue at 5c; spiral '37J4sJ sh'u 4 pkees tuner tmrhy molius. odd jiiewn. nine nil at, yard 69f Supreme Court; calendar for to-day: On trial, No. HI Nos.

-'S7. -17. -hi, -71, to be added Thursday. No, mo, 7tl! Ititi. 40.

i tt. 7, -'M, -'70. H- int. The following judgments were laken yesterday in Court: Matthew V. Kelly against Kdward Clark, Traders National Bank against llyinaii Levin, I.e Ue Claum Cuban Factory against Daniel J.

Coakley, $13, May 1llh is the dale agreed upon by District-Attorney Wulener and John J. pKs-ea Plain nA rwy rges, 10 fim gj; frsltie; HO I pie.s Stripe Cfceelwd P.aam.s, Shepherd Worsted 0Q ahi tl.M; sow. Wear Guaranlaed ftatin-30 Colort -SI 00 Yard 3rd Floor Corwalt Building Postmaster Whittlesey has made arrangements for the accommodation of all the carrier force on "tain floor of the pnstottice. A few mouths ago, on account of the crowded condition of tin- office, eight or nine carriers' desks were placed in the carriers' reading room on the second floor, but these desks hare been returned to the main floor, as the official were not satisfied with the arrangement, it is said. Mr.

Whittlesey has made application to increase the number of carriers nt the office. Approval has to be iven by an inspector before additions are granted. It would le vry ditliciilt to accommodate any more employees iu Ibe building. Republican Club Smoker. A meeting of the KigbieeHlh Ward Permanent Kepuhlican Club will be held tonight at o'clock a I the club's headquarters.

Central Park and Seventh avenue. This will le a club smoker, with- addresses by former Senator Mertuu K. Lewis and others. Mclnerney for the second trial of Mrs, Nellie Osliorn. ehcarged with murder, tirst.

Collided With Motor Car, Kdward Criesser. of No. Clifford Mreet, was riding bis bicycle in St, Paul street yesterday afternoon when lie came Into collision with an automobile driven by Oeorge W. Kellogg, of No, 1 Belmont street. Giiesser tumbled into the street ami received several cuts alxnit the head and face.

The llie of the Seiund district say that no blame attaches to anybody on account of the collision. Annexation Bill Arrives. Mayor F.clgerloii yesterday received As-etithlyuiau Whitley's annexation bill, pro Viding for the Inking on of the land donated by Frances A. Baker as an addition to Genesee Valley Park, a strip ot laud degree, am! accused of killing Frederick L. Kistenmaker last August her home iu John street.

David Culuiaii was yesterday convicted by' a County Court jury of receiving stolen property, following his trinl before Judge Stephens. He was accused of re. reiving copper wire stolen from the Kochester Railway and Light Company. Th jury recommended clcmeucy, AUCTION SALE THURSDAY APRIL 30, 182 State St. The stock or Groceries of C.

W. itay Co. will be dispose J. rtf by tho trustee, st Public Auction. Thursday.

April JOth. A sod chanw ia i suppiies at low prices. Everything musl be so 30. MORRIS M. MYERS.

Auctioneer. G. F- HIXSON, trustee..

Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)


What is the history of the Democratic and Chronicle in Rochester? ›

The Democrat and Chronicle began as a weekly publication called the The Balance in 1833. After several changes in name and ownership, the paper became known as the Daily Democrat. In 1870, it combined with the two-year-old Chronicle to become the Democrat and Chronicle.

Is Rochester NY a Republican city? ›

Many of the state's other urban areas, including Albany, Ithaca, Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse are also Democratic.

How do I contact Rochester Democrat and Chronicle? ›

How do I contact Customer Service? To get help with your account or subscription, call 1-800-790-9565 or chat online here.

Is Rochester New York Democratic? ›

The Capital District, particularly Albany, Schenectady and Troy, was long the only Democratic bastion in the eastern upstate. Other pockets of Democratic strength are Monroe County (Rochester), Onondaga County (Syracuse), and Tompkins County (Ithaca).

Who owns Rochester Democrat and Chronicle? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

What was Rochester NY known for? ›

Throughout its history, Rochester has acquired several nicknames based on local industries; it has been known as "the Flour City" and "the Flower City" for its dual role in flour production and floriculture, and as the "Imaging Capital of the World" for its association with film and still photography.

What is the wealthiest suburb of Rochester, NY? ›

Rochester's Southern Hills Neighborhood is the richest for 2022, with a median real estate price is $571,892, which is more expensive than 93.4% of the neighborhoods in Minnesota and 79.1% of the neighborhoods in the U.S. The average rental price in Southern Hills is currently $1,375, based on NeighborhoodScout's ...

What percent of Rochester NY is white? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Rochester, NY are White (Non-Hispanic) (74.8%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (10.5%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (3.31%), White (Hispanic) (2.96%), and Asian (Non-Hispanic) (2.91%).

Is Rochester NY declining? ›

While Northeast cities with populations of 50,000 or more grew by an average of 0.2 percent last year, Rochester's population declined 0.6 percent, to 207,274 from 208,546, according to the latest U.S. Census Bureau estimates.

Where is the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle printed? ›

The Democrat and Chronicle is a daily newspaper serving the greater Rochester, New York, area. Headquartered at 245 East Main Street in downtown Rochester, the Democrat and Chronicle operates under the ownership of Gannett. The paper's production facility is in Rockaway, New Jersey.

How do I cancel my Rochester Democrat and Chronicle? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-800-790-9565. Residents living in California, Georgia, Maine, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Virginia can cancel online by visiting their Account Management page once logged in to the website.

How to submit obituary to Rochester Democrat and Chronicle? ›

Need help publishing an obituary in Rochester Democrat & Chronicle? Obituaries can also be telephoned to our support team at +1 (800) 917-9207 or sent by email to gannettobits@​

Why is Rochester no longer a city? ›

Rochester was a city until losing its status as one in 1998 following the forming of Medway and failing to protect its status as a city. There have been ongoing campaigns to reinstate the city status for Rochester.

Is Monroe County, NY red or blue? ›

Monroe County went back to voting Republican in 1984 and 1988, but has voted for the Democratic presidential candidate every time from 1992 onwards, up to and including the 2020 election.

What race is Rochester demographics? ›

Rochester Demographics

White: 85.75% Two or more races: 9.73% Black or African American: 1.59% Other race: 1.44%

What is the history of the Rochester Post Bulletin? ›

The Rochester Post-Bulletin was created when The Post and Record and The Rochester Daily Bulletin merged in 1925 with Withers as owner and Clarence Blakely as business manager. The Withers family ran the paper from 1925 until Bill Boyne took over in 1979. As of 2013, the Post-Bulletin employs 150 people.

What is the history of the Memorial Art Gallery Rochester NY? ›

The Memorial Art Gallery was donated by Emily Sibley Watson, daughter of industrialist Hiram Sibley, in memory of her architect son, James G. Averell, with the proviso that it be maintained as “a means alike of pleasure and of education for all the citizens of Rochester.” The gallery was dedicated on October 8, 1913.

What is the history of the Rochester Jeffersons? ›

History. Formed as an amateur outfit by a rag-tag group of Rochester-area teenagers after the turn of the 20th century (a 1925 report has the team being founded in 1898), the team became known as the Jeffersons in reference to the locale of their playing field on Jefferson Avenue.

What is the history of the Rochester Diocese? ›

The diocese of Rochester originated in the seventh century when Augustine consecrated Justus bishop of Rochester. For much of its existence it had a close and dependent relationship with the see of Canterbury, the bishop of Rochester acting as provincial chaplain to the metropolitan.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.