Arizona Daily Star from Tucson, Arizona (2024)

DAILY STAR, TTTCSON, AIUZ: TIUIRSDVY MORNING AUGUST It, 1892 I.O( Al NKWS. SOCIETIES. TUB DAILY STAR! Highest of all in Leaveninf Latest U. S. Gov't Report The beard of trade NpinHr to be laid PlCHK LOOii No O.

U. W. mets AioA.O. I', W. Hill uvury Thursday Criiilit.

J. W. Hkmkn up tor repairs. TRAVELERS GUJ1K. Southern Pacific Railway.

t.OINll KAMT. U. H. District Attorney Wilson leaves today for 1 lioeuix, Baking Powder Large Due Taoeoo grape freeh every mortiiug at Uleeo a. Distriot Attorney Lovell is expeoted HIZOXA COMMAXOKUY No.

1, Knights Txmplar. titatnl cono'ave thi rr arm t'rnUy of eioh month B0 p. m. Sojouroing bir Knight are urtously wel. oomed.

J. M. ObmsIIY, I'. li.J. KosKuroiiK, Itocordor.

a a. i oS5 Hill) 1U 5 Li hum from Nogales today. Another effort will be made to put ABSOLUTELY PURE the hotel proposition on it feet. At the Ooemopolitou; 8 Price, 8o nora; SLungbtoa, Philadelphia, Pa. ArmtinTaosou 1.

JJJ Wilool lWU 4j01N(J WKSTi No 20 Arriva in Tucson ltM. Ameio Oil. I Uiii Uilit Mend 5 Arm lu Yuiua) iavM Vmu Arrive isUw AukI Arrive in Han hiaumsro CIHPTEH No. 8, ltoyal Areh Miuoab. maeU Masonic 11 all the st r'riil iy evening of ojh mouth.

Ho. Imirniug comptnioas in good tuudingme fraternally mvitxl. M. I'. FiiKtuvs, 1.

U. J. bee. THE Arizona National Bank Of TUCSON, A1UZONA. Capital $30,000 Surplus undivided profits, 10,000 UAHllON M.

JACOllS, PresiJont, LIONEL M. JACOllS, Vioe-Presldeut M. P.FKKKMAS.C-hi,, Weoller ourservicea to the pulillo for the transaction of all buninesaiu the line ot Legitimate Banking. Assuring to our patrons prompt service a careful guarding of their interests, una' every reasonable accommodation. Bills Of Exdiang-Q Drawn upon all lioints In the fJuited Slates and principal uitieauf Kurona Collections made on all accessible points aud prompt returns made therefor upon payment.

PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS- Lokdok, PABia Amu Amibioah Bami, San Fran OatmoAL National Bank New York National Hank, or t'ouuitnot, tt. Loam r-'iasr National Bank Chicago FAauKUaANii lUHOttATa Bai tioaAngelea There was a whole bevy of la lies AKI.ON.V WKATHKlt. For the "Week ICu.linir Atitf. Kth TEHl'KUATCKE AND SONSHINB. The temperature duriug the past seveu data has awraged much above the uuimal.

The average maximum at Tucson was 101 dearaee, average mm-iuinm, 77 dogreas; at Yuma, average maximum 102 degrees average miuimnm 69 degrees. The total excess nt Tiioaou was 20, A temperature of 123 deyrres was reported from Fort Mejave ou the 5th. Tus greatest exoees iu temperature was iu tbe oeutral aud ensteru portious of the Territory, aud iu tbe vioiuity of Gila Bend, Bid Book au I the southern part of Yavapai county. The euushinw has boeri about lh normal. BAIXPALL.

The rainfall average uuoh below the normal, No raiu at all fell iu the Western part of the Territory, la the Central aud Nortneru portions the amounts were unusually inappreciable, a majority ot ocr.espoudenta reporting no ruiu at all. Horn good rains were reported iu the central part of Apaou MO A 810- ao--ii a liM'i I' W. Wtllfah 1 hnv hnr.tvHP.1. oarue down from Oracle Taeeday even Qtiplmia; 13 poa. J.

A. Bright: cox arv floods, Wwen Morgan; 1 box RH fin 1 Iwit hulls A. In 10 40 PM 1'M ing. Cbs. Worse, the assayer aud niet-talurgist is doing good business at tbeTucjun sampler.

diamond; 1 bdl. baby carriage axles au4 (Uualueas IjOOiMb. There has no doubt beeu considerable raiu up the Santa Orusi valley as the jAi, L'CBON LODGE, No. 4, K. i A.

rog-i) ular esiumunioaiiims. on tli Jud Kridty of each month nt p. at Masonic Hall. Notice of spjoiai iuoetin'H will be given by Imiatinj; a hiua Mug, uitiug brethren are oordially luvitwl V. Pkw, Master.

Geo, J. ItiiSKamuiK, Secretary, i uuienxiures, iurs. a. naves, uiooe; 1 box bluing, Howell Craig ft Lue Angeles, Also the following freight without mark: 1 llnta liitH.nm 9 iiai niriA 1 Alcohol the Cuuae, St. Pbtekshubo, Aagnet 10.

A dispatch from Aatraba, a oity of Persia, whose pestilential atmosphere has gained tor it the omuioue name ot "Oitv of Plagues," e)B that the MjIIbIis, or priests, whose iutlueuoe with the populace is very powerful, have preached that the outbreak ct cholera is due to the sal of a'ooholio liquors. Their language baa excited tbe populace to a freizy; mobs bave gathered in the vioiuity ot the mosques determined to take summary steps to abolish the liquor traffic Blids were nnnn Ilia Toyel Toyel Toys! at the Phidhv raise injba stream would iniicale. News Uo. Tou can always find better grooeries J. lvncovicli receives Tempe batter bdl sacks; 1 box 34 gal irou basiue; 1 poa oor rubber; 1 sheet iron door (marks trunk; 1 wagon reaoh; 1 3 times per week 11 at lower pnoes at Ivauoovich's than any wbere else.

tt There appears to be enough of moisture iu the atmosphere for a dozau big Professional Cards. plow snare; 1 poa oieticg; i irou roller; 1 box empty buttles: 1 box cracker: 2 naila lohHfinn! 1 hnv niiniiid 9 rains, aud tbey will ooms along by aud by. dram shops whioh were pUoarded aud casta oil; 13 poa oast irou; 16 wagon felloes; 9 wagon axles; 1 chest; 1 box; 2 At tbe Rnss honss are registered tbe GEO. GOODFfcl.LOW, M. OFFICK Pennington Streot oppusite Cosmopolitan Hotel, iteaiduuee tibO Xavier Hotel, Utiles hours: 1 4 p.

and 7 to p. iu. poa. uiaoninary; wagon spouse. following names: li.

E. Williams aud Chas. Fiedler, Phoenix, M. A. Crouse, oouuty, aud iu Gila, Pima and Cochise oonnties good raiu tell.

Tbe following stations rvported raiu: 'Walnut Grove, 0.02, Buokeye. trace; Hulbrook, 0.78, C. F. SMrmn, General Freioht Acent Southern Books, School books, and school snp-lis at the I'oiueer News Co, tf. For a glaeeof cool, delioioos viobf go to Dr.

Martin's drug etote. The latest papers, magazines ad novelties at tbe Pioneer News Co. tt. goods, cutllery Bud notions at the Pioneer News Co. tf.

Htrocgera visiting this city ebotild not forget to visit the Pioneer News Co. tf. 1 Paso. Paoillo Cjnjpauy. Judge Fitzgerald left tor California UuJleyville.

0.91, Parson, 0.07. Brvoe N. 11. MATA3. II, 1), FFICE Pennington etreet, opposite the Court House.

ue mou ueBiroyf Roods or a number of American traders who are issiau subjects. The linssian consul, tearing tbat the trouble would grow and that be might be attaoked, telegraphed to St. Petersburg for assistance. The government at ouoe gave orders for the die-patoh ot 25 mounted co*ksacke who have arrived at Aatfabs, where tbey are guarding the oousulate. Tbe city is situated on a emxll stream tbat Hows into Astruba bay, whioh opens iuto the Oaspiati sea, A Russian gun boat has yesterday, wbere, with bis family he will spend a part of tbe montb, 0.10, Wilgus, 0.83; Preeoolt, trace; Tuo-sou, 0.24.

THM Consolidated National Bank OF TUOBON. H. E. Lacy, President. W.

a. Hturgea, Vioe-Presldeut. II. B. Tbnnbx, Oaebier.

E. W. Oravbs, Asa'lOlir. CAPITAL PAID UP, 950,000 Sonora Coal. Tbe area ot ol iu Souora is perhaps For freeh Tempe ana California but ter, fresh grooeries, fresh fruit of all kiuds CROP 8DMMABT.

In southwestern Arizona, in the vi the second largest on tbe oontineut and AS. ZAliUISKlE. ATTOUNKY AT LAW, go to J. Ivaiioovioh's. tt oiuity of Yuma, tbe weul'ier for the past Fr'ICE on Peuningtou bt oppoaite the Tbe next jubilee day will be Septem 0 L.

Zeckendort Co. Tucson agent for Bntlerick's Patterns. J. 8-6-w week baa been unusually (avorable for the growth ot all crops. Farmers are lourt House, iucsoli, Ariz, ber 16 Mexican iudepeudence day.

the quality is ot tha highest order. The late Clonal Williams who had been a resident at Guay mas Souora for twenty flve years as American Council, in bis last report to tbe State department There will be lots of patriotism dis asoenuen mis stream aud is dow anchored off Astraba, Tbe Raseian lega tion at the oaoital of Persia VAfl in played by our Mexican brethren. delighted with the prospect of a good yield ot the eeooud crop. No raiu has fallen during the week, but pleuty of Smoke Tsnsill's Punch 5-cent cigar or sals only by I. A.

Shedd. tf. J7KANK HE11KFOKD, Attorney vnd Cocnbkllob At Law. Pennington rjtreet, Tuoson, Arizona. Undivided fronts, 6,000 JU1KK0X0R3: fl, B.


QBATIS. says among other things that, The Tuoson and Uuosight road put formed ot the work ot the mob, and the Russian minister into good repair wjuld result in mer peueatioD for tbe seditions not a ot tbe 1.. mi a. i chandise being hauled from luosou to water is available iu the Uolorado for irrigation. At Fort Mt jave.iu extreme western Arizona, two high wiud-Btorme have visited tha oountry daring the week, but do damage has resulted to QunBight by teams, iustsad ot as now popuivus, xueot oua, wuo is making a tour of his provinoes, has been "IMIOS.

K. WILSON-, ArroBMY X. Oa l'onuiutoa street, oppjsitj tho Gour House, Tuujn, Arizjaa. going arouud by Qua Bend. informed of the outbreak of oholera iu Mr.

J. J. QoldbBtim opens in a day orops. Tbe beat has boeu iuteuss iu Teheran aud boa returned to that oity or twj a new stationary store, on Con this regiou daring the week, bat ell Ell. WILLIAM Attorney At Law Noddles, Arizona.

Bruoke Tausill's Punch 6-oeut cigar. For sule only by I. A. Bbedd. tf Opera Liverv and Feed stable.

Wm. Nee), Proprietor. 1 Tbe largest end beet assorted etook of Btatiouary at tbe Pioneer News Co. tf. For fresh California eggs go to the Mesa fruit store where evnry egg is war ranted freeh Bud good.

Ju-13-tf gress street opposite Wells, Fargo express offioe. All euooees is orops under irrigation are growing vigorously. Iu the eastern part of during the past year explorations were made with a diamond drill by the oompauy owning tbe coal oou-oessiou at San Maroiul, and the results reported are highly satisfactory. In the perforations made at oue plaoe by tbe drill, from tbe surface to 293 feet in depth, wire found tour veins from 7 to 22 feet in thiokuess (so reported.) The veins or measure whiou bave been, to some developed and worked are at or near tbe tiwn of Los Brooces and La Barranoa, 100 miles northeast ot Guaymas, This oal is used by the mining oompauy at sai Ij places ttor Iheir steam works. These veins are from 6 to 14 feet in tbioknees.

Some 2,000 feet of explorations bave been wished him in his new departure by his Moiave oouuty, in tbe vioiuity of Sig many friends. A OENERAL BANKING B08INEB8 TRANSACTED. 00BBB8POHD1BH. Anglo-Californlsn Bank Limited Condon and Ban Vranoisoo. Cbemicul end Woitern National Basktl Nta Hork.

First National Bank, Chios 30. Earmer'e A Meroliuit't Uank.Xjoa Angel; National Hank of Khubsb City, Mo. National Bank of Arizona, Phoenix. Pinal County Hank, Florence, tia. First National Bank, KlPaao.

ot Tombstone, Tombstone, timt National Bank. Deaiinv, N. H. Fouth National Hank, Bt. Lonis.

BilTsrCity National Bank, M.M. WM. AUorney-at-Law. OSOlBo6 on Pennington Street, Opposite Court Uoubo, Xuodon. Arizona, nal, the weather has been dry and hot.

Cattle will suffer greatly for want of Mr. W. M. Griffith, ot Dripping water and grass if rains do not oome Spring, is in town on business for a few davs. He reports matters as lively as soon.

Grasshoppers are doing great damage to crops iu tbe eastern part ot The Oak Barber Bhop, Congress oonld be expected at Ihis season out that way, but says they need rain, as etreet. irives the beet shave, hair out 1 BAUCIS J. HENliK. Attorney at-Law. EVOrlioe, oorner Ponuiuglon and Churob Streeta, Tcoaon, Arizona, Qimmnnn in the city, and clean the county.

Plenty of water is, however, available for irrigation in tbe Big Sandy, and all crops under irrigation are growing well. In the western part towel for eveybody. indeed, it is needed everywhere. Mr. Griffith is a member of the national re-pulioau committee and a strong Harrison adherent.

made at both plaoes by ehafis nud tun-uele whioh slow formal Viios of good of Minoopa connty, in the vicinity of ooul. (Joal veius are now uuder tbe DISEASES EYE AND Errors refraction ami propor glasses presoribM. ANOIL AK TIN, At. 1). i hoauu, Arizona.

Handsome furnished rooms single or in sailes at Wilkinson's, 404 Penuiog- afcraAT. tf present mining code ot Mexioo (whioh went into force in 1884) oousidtred as belonging to the laud, and titles Millinery at reduced prioes. Hats 20 1 an rants, frames 20 aud 35 cents are not granted to them as to the Li. 1). OHILLSON, B.

DEPUTY" MLNEHAL BCBVEIOR REMOVAL Dr. Ceo. Whomes. Ha removed bie Dkntal Pablohs to tbe building lately oooupied bj b. Franklin, Esq, oor.

Oharoh aud Peuningtou rit. mines. Htowera and ribbons at reduced prioes aud NntArv Pnhlin. Mining unH f'ii The following are the ootoesions of A Mrs. Olson's tl Territorial Equalizers Meet.

Tbe territorial board of equalization met yesterday evening at 5 o'clock and laid tbe foundation for fpture operation and adjourned till 10 o'olook today. A. J. Koran, M. W.

Moore, Ihos. Hughes and T. T. Smith were the members present. Tbe returns from all counties in tbe territory have been received by tha board, exempt those from grants made by tbe governor ot tbe Baking Powder Jepartmnnta oarefally and oorrootly exeonted.

state prior ot 18S4. 1: Contract male and concessions 01 wora; 01 surly nu oonoiaely drawn when deeired. Offloe 64 fi Peanl ngton St. Tooaon. Aria.

Use Frank Miltenberg's and the French Bakery' Breads and von are patrouizing horoeindnetry for it is made of tbe Eagle Milling Oompany.s beet grauted by state government to Arturo G. Cabillas for tbe Baranca Mill aud a Manufacturing company tor a zone of tbe clerk of tbe board of snpervisore ot Maricopa ojunty. Gazette. Hour. Wanted: An energetio man to man ooal laud of 6.000 acres, called Santa Clara, at La Baranca, February 22 ad $250.00 np; for H.

K. JoHxaDM A 2-1-6-8 Main St', Richmond Va i-m, 2 A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and' Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome.

Ut other baking powder does such wxsv Maricopa's Weltli. IW2 2: Contract made end concession age a brauch office. Salary to start $75. per. month and interest in the business.

The Western Kansas City, 3 Buckeye and adjtoent coutry, crops are iu a fair condition. In tbe oentral part ot Yavapai county, in the regiou of Preeoott aud Walnut Grove, slitjht showers buve fallen. Corn is lookiug well, and peaches are ripeoiug nicely. Iu the vioiuity of Eurley's Ctmp, east of Piesoott. all vegetatiou is suffering from drought.

tin must ooms soouor ruin will be the result to crops as well as to close down mills aud miuing Industries, which depend upon water for power. Iu Apaohe county, in tbe vioiuity ot Holbrook aud the valley of the Little Colorado, good rains have fallen daring the week. The Colorado rose very high aud did some damage to bridges. The weather has been clear aud bright since Wednesday and range grass is growing vigorously. In Gila oouuty, iu the vicinity ot Payson, light rains hav fallen, but not sufficient for orops.

Tbe corn crop will be small. Potato crop will be good if good rains fall soon. In Grabnm oouuty, along tbs course o( tbe Gila and in tbe vioiuity of Bryce, plenty water is available for irrigation, and all orops are doing well. Corn and potatoes ere improving. Grass is not doing so well.

In the vicinity of Wilgus, in Coohise county, good rains have visited the oountry and corn and range grass is growing with vigor. The grass on the ranges is about four inches high. Tbe hay crop will be good. J.C. Hayden, oracled by state government to Jose Csmon eud othera for a zone ct ooal land at Fronteras, 8,000 acres, dated Mo tf.

K1 s. A H. 3 PW S- rv a CLi a 3 CO 3 ()' Following is the abstract ot tbe original assessment roll of Marioopa couDty for the fiscal year 1892: Nomber of acres of land, 221,154, value of the esme, $2,243,810. Tbe total number of stock is rs follows: Horses, 6,218 bead; males, 516; asses, 36; cattle, June 16, 1782. Fine watch repairing a speciality and all work guaranteed at 3.

A 3: Contract made and concession granted by tbe state government with V.5j YarnUli Tree. Blaok's Jewelry store 113 Congress st M. Alsna tor two zones of ooal land Arizona. Mail orders promptn sheep, goats. 92; swine, 3,338 attended to, teb4-ly Some years ago Professor Rein planted in the Frankfort botanical garden some of the trees from which Los Bronoes, of 1,000 aores, dated Aprli 24, 1883.

Total value of personal property is 3 4: Contract made and concession 8662,807, and the total valuation ot ell property in the county is 86,225,690. For freeh ranoh butter at 80 oents.aod it is stated the Japanese obtain their lacquer or varnish. The tree is granted by the et'ite governmeut with pure cream go to the Mesa store 209 "The Exploration Company of the Coal known to botanists as the Rhus ver- Congress etreet. All Kinds of Maohinerr Bepaired, bIeo Carriages, Buggies, AM) Aggriculture Implements. By J.

R. Ckaxe Formerly Blacksmith foreman at the S. 1 Shops. Now Manager of tht 8110BTIUDGF. Black, amithshop on Camp Btroot, neiir Military plaza.

AST All Work Guaranteed. Lands for, eleven zoues of ooal lands in thedistrioto of Guaymas, Hermosillo Territorial Taxes. Statement of taxes paid into the Territorial Treasury during the year dos nix, and it appears there are now thirty-four healthy trees, some thirty feet high. Professor Rein has taken 6ap from a few of the trees and sent and Cres, containing an a rea of 570 square leagues (Spanish) dated July 19 ing January 1, 1892. Tbe Bass bouse has the best furnish ed rooms in tbe city.

It is managed by Mrs. H. Jeffords and is situated on Camp street. ft 18S3. it to Japan for trial by native artists, It is, however, almost xiseless for Europeans to attempt to compete Observer Weather Bureau and Direotor, Central office, Tucson, Arizona.

Nogales Jiews. Tbe Star Exchange says: Capt. Evans of the Planobas Mining Co, Pinal County 13275,22 Tuma 6125,15 Coohise 23527.15 Marioopa 37602,20 Apache 14596,57 Gila Pima 27715,90 Graham 12351.91 Yavapai 37159,11 Mohave 8506,81 with the Japanese 111 their hue, but the lacquer, if it can be made from trees grown in Em-ope, may be used for other purposes than varnishing For tbe flneet brands of New York oigars, go to Olsen's on Congress street, lie keeps the beet 5 oent cigar in tbe city. Besides oarryiog a fine line of foreign and domestio oigars, be baa an exoellent supply of stationery, tf is expeoted from New Orleans today. Oor.

Cbarcb and Feunington Street. 'l'OOHON, AltlZONA. Hookers Hot Springs P. O. Gate wood, Cochie3 County A.

T. The greatest bealtb resort in Arieona First class accommodations now ready for engagement, Stages ieaTe yfji0OX Taeeday and Friday, Mornings. $1,000 Reward. San Fhanoisco, August 4, 1892. wood.

iiour. Tbat was a Que little shower bat not quite heavy enough. There is more storm brewing, and the obauces are All Concerned: Train No. 17, when between Collis "Hie Ilest Protection; 190082,10 Total and Fresno Jnst night, ws stopped by two or possibly more robbers. Looo-motive and Welis, Fargo Co.

express The marked and sudden changes of temperature to which our climate The Maioon Dcrree is tbe oldest established restaurant in Tucson, and bae tbe best reputation on tbe Pacific Coast and it has tbe finest accommodations for amities, wedding parties and other private dinners. Private rooms are ele- WmH Chandler, House Oleaner AND General Renovator OF Residences or Public House. That Stage lloobery. Yesterday morning tbe Qnijotoa is subj ected during the winter month: oar were disabled by dynsmite. Ex axe not to be combated by changes of clothing, for this would bo obvi stage on its outward journey, was held press messeiiger badiy injured and safe broken open aud robbed of contents.

Diecription of two robbers seen by trainmen as follows: up by a masked man who commanded tbe driver to throw him tbe mail sack. ously impossible. The thing to bo done is to keep the This the driyer immediately did, aud One nbout five -feet eleven; weight, body in a condition to resist the changes. This condition is lest main the sack was opened by the robber before him. Luckily there were no registered matter in the ponob, and but one about 170 pounds; wore large slouob hat and linen duster, had ou belt with two pistols attached, also shotgun.

Will take np, clean and repair Carpota, clean Paints and Furniture. Hatief notion ADDKlSSj As tbe bot weather is approaching fiiewert's confectionery is ready to supply the public with ice oreaiu by the plate, pint, quart or gallon, also ioe and aherbert to order. In addition to the confectionary business, he has added a department devoted to fancy grooeries, delioaoiee. fruits eto. M.

7tf XDrixg Store letter.and as it was of no apparent value, tained by having the skin and all the organs active. Tho degree of sensitiveness of the skin in regulating heat loss is the largest factor here concerned, and a sound condition of the skin is to be expected from a Number two about nve set nine; weight about 170 pounds; slouch hat Wm Chandler DTalace Hotel, Tucson. old brown onat and sew overalls. the robber threw tbe sack back to tbe driver, who drove to Mayor Maieh's rauch and turned back to Tucson to give tbe alarm. Sheriff Brown immediately sent out men to the scene of Tbey bad either a light buggy or spring wagon with team of horses, one proper system of exercise and bathing.

Youth's Companion. horse shod all arouud, tbe oilier sbod in front, sh'ies nearly new. One of tbe men wore No, 10 shoes with brood sole and beel. New Watchmaker. TUCSON, A.

T. the robbery, and, as we go to press, there are strong indications that the robbers will be brought in today, nuleee, he has thrown tbe searching officers off the scent and managed to get away from that seotion entirely, which is very doubtful, as a keen watch bas been plaoed on all avenues of escape. The Southern Paoifio company and Sue Kee bas fitted up a store room on Congress street near the postoftice where be will carry a full lioe of Chinese and Japanese fancy goods. lie bas a fine stock of silk shawls and handkerchiefs, beautifully designed vases, and handsome morning gowns for ladies and gentlenieu'e coats. lie carries tbe finest quality of teas in the country.

tf. Wells, Fargo Co. will jointly pay a reward of $1,000 for information that will lead to tbe arrest and oonviction of GEORGE MARTIN. 1 1 CONGIIKSS ST. Tucson, Aaizof a.

(Keeps only First-Class) PUKE CHEMICALS, FINE PERFUMES AND TOILBT ABTIOLBS. Also a Fall and Complete Line of all tie rar iias Patent Medicines now on Market. F. TUCSON ARIZONA. DIALXB Mining Assaying CHEMICALS that beavey rams will yet greet us.

El Monitor, the Spanish paper fails to appear this week. Most of its outfit is still in the ruins. However, editor Bernal says (hat it will be on deck next week, and hotter tbon ever. Hon. Georpe W.

Cheney aud Mayor Cohn ot Tombstone were in town several days this week oonduoting a school ot instruction for the Masonic fraternity here. Mr, Cheney says the Masons hers bave tbs Quest furniture in tbe territory, Mr.T. A. Jones one of the biggest hearts i mau in tbe world feels very greatful to nil the people who so earnestly worked to sav something out of tbe wreck by firs of his International Hotel. It is reported from Hermosillo that tbe heaviest rains that bave fallen for years, fell there last Saturday and Sunday.

This will be a god-eend to that portion of Honors, whioh from report was well nigh dried out. The Nogales Protective Association will again sizs up the property owners and make a new assessment for the purpose as we understand it, to light the oase now pending in the District Court, and all those who do not fulfil their obligations will be left alone to fight their own battles. "In union there is strength" and all No-galeaus should pull together to fight the common enemy. It is reported at the time tbe International Hotel was on fire a Mexican effdoted au entranoe into Mrs. Jones' room, and began btlpiug himself to a large amount (some say $1,000 in gold and greenbacks) ot money tbat was in a bureau, belonging to Mrs.

Jones, Tbe report sic eavs (hat Prof. Basilio Hernanzss, of the Mtiicaa band, discovered the Mexioau and immediately made him give it np, after which be turned tbe amount over to Mrs. Joues, wbo wished to reward him and he refused to ecsept money. However, she gave bim a set ot furniture, so it is sald, eaoh of the men engaged in this rob. bery, and all expenses of proseoation will bs borne by the railway aud ex press companies.

A. iownb, Fare Reduced. From this date the fare from Tucson to Nogales, on Breua's stage line, will ftA Of! until fnrtliar fintina. Ht.HffAB Uenl. Alngnr.

H. f. Uo. J. J.

VaIwBNTINK, Oeul. Mngnr. W. F. Co.

leave as oeual, every morning, from. Brena's store, corner of Convent and Sale ot Unclaimed Freight. uuuil aoojrunioua- To all whom it may concern MoOormio streets tious. June 16, 1891. Our iVSotto A dollar's worth for a dollar," Is the motto of Hood's 8arsaparilla.

This medicine Is a highly concentrated extract of Sarsaparllla and other well known vegetable remedies, and Is pronounced by experts tlio strongest and best preparation of tlio kind yet produced. It owes Its psculiar strength and medicinal merit to the tact that It Is prepared by a Combination, Proportion and 1'iocesi Peculiar to Itself, discovered by the proprietors of Hood's Sarsaparllla Mid known to no other medicine. Its pionipt action on the blood removes all Impurities, and cures scrofula, salt rheum, ores, boils, pimples, all humors, and all diseases or affect ons ariUng from Impure blood or low state ofihe system. "I have taken Hood's Sarsaparllla and find It to bo tho best blood purifier I have ever used." Mns. II.

Field, Auburn, CaL Tho Host Medicine. I have used six bottles of nood's Sarsaparllla for indigestion. It has helped me a great deal. I think It is the best medicine for Indigestion and dyspepsia." Mrs. N.

A. Laudbhoale, 133 North Fifth Street, San Jose, Cat X. B. Bo sure to get only Hood's Sarsaparllla old by dragjrliti. fl; tlx for 5.

Prepared mb7 Notice is hereby given that the fol- ATTKJiTJON. towing property marked or consigned as follows dow on hand at tbe Railway Station ot tbe Southern Paoiflc com The Jack Itabbit. Says the Gezatte: Hon A. J. Doran ot Pinal county is in tbe city attending a meeting ot tbe board of equalization.

Mr. Doran, and Geo. Tuttle are sole owners ot the Jack Babbit mine near Cass Grande. This mine is one of the richest in the territory and tbe little ten stamp mill pounding away nigbt and day turned out about 81,000 a day for tbe lucky owners. There have been thousands of dollars taken out of tbe mine in years gone by, but it has never been in each good condition, nor turning out so much bullion ns it is now.

Mr. Doran and Gen. Tnttle are pioneers ot Arizona and have never waited for something to turn luck to came to them, but have always been found at tbe wheel pushing on any proposition they have no1ertken and we are glad to see their efforts crowned with snocesa. They deserve all they get. Gen Tuttle will take a trip east in a few week to secure mnoh needed rest.

pany at Tucson, Arizona, having re-mained unclaimed for tbe time required by law will be sold at publio auction ou To; Cattle Men AVIioJHavc Cat-llo mill No Grass tor Them. the twentieth (20) day of September, 1892 at (aid Kailway station at ten O.ROMBACH o'olook a. noooant of freight and storage charges, unlets sooner remov. ed. Drags, Medicines, Minora Water Supplies.

PhTsialan's nraaorintinnfl oarefallT PRACTICAL 1 bdl. clothing, H. McGinnie; 1 pkg. ire (roods, M. A.

Thayer; 1 box ruedi- I will take on shares 1000 sht cattle. I bate a good ranch and plenty of water. I would prefer partly graded oa I tie. Good references given. The ranoh is situated 65 mile southwest of Tooeou, in Pima connty, Apply at this offioe.

WATCHMAKER. pounded all hoars, andordersanswered oiue, W. Isabel Shock (or Sharp), care ot W. C. Smith; 1 oase bead stone, C.

HOOD A Apotliecariei, Lowell, and dispatch. Our stock of medieioel mplete. naxranUd naaine and of Itaea" as. Wiley (or Wbiley 1 bdl. blankets 100 Doses One Dollar Conjrew Straet TussuoA rio oa, altia..

Arizona Daily Star from Tucson, Arizona (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.